You and him have a thing for each other

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        Casey's POV

         The sun was shining bright, rays of light streaming down onto the warm sand. Nissa and I had decided to take advantage of that and got in our bathing suits, laying out on the beach chairs to get a tan. While Nissa immediately plugged her ears with music and sang along to every song that came on in a high pitched, off tone, voice, I caught up on some reading. 

        Reading was one of my favorite things to do, and since I had been busy lately I hadn't had the time to sit back with a really good book. Fortunately for me, I had the entire day to kick back and read every book I wanted. Or so I thought, but with Nissa around, that was almost impossible. The girl could not keep quiet or still for more than twenty minutes.

        "Oh.My.God! Who is that magnificent man?" I heard Nissa say as she sat up in her beach chair, sliding her Ray Bans over her face to rest on her head, pinning her hair back. I watched with a amusement as she arched her back, trusting her chest out. Deciding to check out the guy that had caught her attention, I followed her gaze to the beach and bit down hard on my tongue to stop myself from laughing. Walking—more like strutting in slow motion—out of the water, was none other than Austin Dashwood, Nissa's biggest enemy. I hadn't expected Nissa to recognize him; she hadn't seen him in seven years. But I sure as hell did not expect this reaction either.

        "Um...I think you're about to find out," I told her, gesturing to Austin as he walked across the beach in our direction. I heard her clear her throat and saw her fix her hair out of my peripheral vision. Oh she was going to be so pissed at me, but it was so going to be worth it. Austin grinned as he approached us and I heard Nissa purr. Turning to her with a small laugh, I arched an eyebrow. She shrugged, a light shade of red tainting her cheeks.

        "Hey, Case," Austin greeted and Nissa turned to me with wide, accusing eyes. Ignoring her, I smiled at Austin as he stood over us, his golden tanned abs glistening in the sun as droplets of water slid from his chest to disappear into his shorts. I turned to Nissa with a shit-eating-grin when she softly moaned. I had to admit I understood her reaction, Austin was definitely not the chubby kid he was seven years ago.

        "Hey," I purposely prolonged saying his name to make the reveal better.

        "Who's your friend?" He turned towards Nissa and gave her a cocky smile. Nissa flipped her hair over her shoulder and gave him a seductive smile. Oh this was just getting better and better. 

        "Well...this is...Nissa, Nissa Evans." Austin eyes bulged out of his head as he stared at Nissa, his mouth opening and closing. Nissa gave me a confused look and I grinned. "Nissa, you remember Austin," I paused and she turned to me with horrified eyes, I could tell she was silently praying that I wouldn't say Dashwood. Austin just stood there looking like a fish, opening his mouth and then closing it. "Austin Dashwood."

        "You!" Nissa hissed, her face morphing into a glare, her fists clinging tightly at her sides. Austin, finally seeming to shake off his initial shock, grinned his trademark grin that was reserved specifically for Nissa, his eyes lighting up.

        "Hello, pumpkin," he greeted with a toothy grin, making Nissa's glare intensify. Austin had always insisted on calling Nissa pumpkin, which infuriated her. "You know I have to say, getting checked out by my long-lost nemesis, is probably the most satisfying thing I've ever experienced....Actually, that's not true, just the other day I told my dad to go fuck himself, that was really satisfying as well."

        "I see you haven't changed," Nissa mumbled softly, rolling her eyes with disdain. Austin just grinned, obviously happy with himself.

        "Pumpkin, you and I both now that you love every part of me." His grin grew when Nissa growled, gritting her teeth. 

A Deal with the Daredevil (Completed) (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now