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Will and his "best friend" Mike were in Mikes' basement playing D 'n'D with their friends. When Mike kept making awkward glances at Will. Which was making Will squirm under his gaze. "M-Mike stop looking at me like that." Mike just sighed and stopped. Which again makes Will feel some type of way.

There's another thing that happens to Will monthly, and it makes him extra sensitive sometimes. But only Max knows about that one. So when Mike didn't say anything to him, he excused himself from
the game and went home. He didn't want to cry in front of the party, now did he? Once he got home he crawled into bed and cried, ignoring the calls coming from his Walkie. He woke up refreshed but his eyes were puffy and his face was red from crying.

Since he's the only one that knows what's going on with himself apart from his mom and Jonathan, the day went on just as any other day would. The day was soon over and Will was a bit saddened by the fact that Mike hadn't even tried to talk to him and went to bed seeing as the next day was Monday and he has school.
He woke up again to his alarm clock blaring loudly. Sighing, he dragged himself out of bed and into the shower, then ate breakfast. Then he left for school.

As soon as he arrived, he noticed a new addition to the group. Walking closer he noticed that it was a girl and she was extremely close to Mike, making Will very jealous. Mike soon noticed him and waved him over. "Hey Will. This is my girlfriend, Jane." Will just nodded and averted his eyes somewhere else because of he made eye contact with any one of them, he'd surely cry.

Mike noticed Will being weird about it and easily got annoyed. Obviously Mike isn't the same person he used to be when they were kids. "Will tell her hi or something and stop being a stuck up prick." Will made eye contact with Mike as his bottom lip trembled, noticing this Max stepped up. "Mike, you cant just tell Will that. You know how sensitive he is!"

Mike just rolled his eyes and watched as Will walked off with tears streaming down his cheeks. "Why are you being so mean to Will? What did he do to you?" Max asked walking off to go find Will.

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