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Aldemar Norwood was born in a small village known as Cydale, located two miles from the great sea that led to Valkenheim. His father was a mason and a former soldier and his mother was a healer. As a boy Aldmar spent much of his time as anyone other child his age would, playing, fighting, going to Church, and learning skills for his parents. He lived a relatively quite life until the age of eight when a Viking raiding party sacked and burned his village. During the brutal raid, Aldmar followed his parents last words and ran into the woods.

He ran and did not stop, even when his lungs burned and eyesight was going blurry. Eventually his legs gave out and he passed out only to be found and later taken in by a rouge band of Vikings. Over the next nine years Aldmar grew  into a strong young man and fierce warrior, but still held on to his religious belief over that of his comrades. His adoptive father and clan leader, Rorik, taught him how to fight and that only the strong have the right to survive.

Aldmar took these lessons to heart and pushed himself to never be a victim like his village was. But all things end and after the ninth year a lawbringer and his men came down on the bandits and killed the vast majority of them, including Rorik. The surviving members of Aldmar clan where put into the penal units of the Regal legion and forced to fight in their wars. Prisoners who are conscripted are usually expected to survive three to four battles at the most, Aldmar survived nine before the Regal legion surrendered to the Blackstone legion. Upon his capture he was to be executed until the pervious Blackstone Legion warlord stayed their hand telling his subordinates to but Aldmar though conquer training.

The training lasted a full year and has 60% mortality rate as well as a brutal final test where half the trainees have to kill the other half. This was form to ensure that the wolves among sheep take their rightful place within the legion. Aldmar would
survive the training and become a fully fledged conquer where his years would be marked by wars with other legions and Viking raiding parties. The Blackstones taught him to thrive in war and use it as the crucible to make himself stronger in body and mind. After showing great martial and leadership skill during the grueling campaign against the Tower and Cerberus legions, Aldmar was inducted into Apollyon's inner circle. He became a well known warrior and one of Apollyon's most trusted wolves.

When his legions went to insight war between the three factions Aldmar followed his master's command seeing it as an opportunity to weed out the weak and corrupt. He also saw this as a way for others to grow stronger and unite against a common enemy. He was sent to the Myere to break down the city gates in the middle of the Great Raid and take the emperors Palace. He succeeded and executed the emperor with a great sword gifted to him from Apollyon.

Two years later he has finished a campaign against Viking raiders as one of the last Blackstone commanders left alive, with his warlord dead the future seems uncertain.

But his story is only truly just beginning

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2020 ⏰

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