Chapter 25 - ...Who are you?

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Third person POV

Every individual member of BTS was in their own room, sleeping, reading, working until, "You are a tree falling down in the woods, but there ain't a sound cause no one's around...nobody can hear you, nobody can hear you, oh...nobody can hear you..." The sound of her voice shocked the entire house as all 7 boys stared through their bedroom windows, revealing the quiet ocean and on top of the cliff's edge sat a girl wearing a dress detailed with waves and sea foam. It wasn't a vision, it was real...Immediately, they forced their doors open as they stared at one another before dashing outside in their sleepwear, focused on the girl's magical yet melancholy voice.

"Smoking your cigarette, burning out till there's nothing left...I bared you my wounds yet you cut me deep I can't forget..." The boys positioned themselves on the sand as their gaze stayed upwards, staring at the girl's slim back while her whipping hair invaded the still image.

"So I gave you up, like a drug so high then I came down...That's why I couldn't stay around, more crying from the more empty bottles sipping down with booze...cause nobody can hear you, oh, nobody can hear you, oh..." She started to stand up and they tensed at the thought of her jumping off, but she made her way down, back onto the gritty sand.

"Nobody can no, Nobody can no, Nobody can no..." She stopped singing as she stared from the edge of the water while the boys emerged from the shadows, "...I can still hear you~..." Her shoulders tensed at their voices as she slowly turned around, revealing her face that they longed to see... to touch...

They began running towards her, faster than they had ever ran before, until their arms had felt her warmth, "Y/N..." The girl could only stand in bewilderment as she felt 7 pairs of arms wrapped around her, but it seemed familiar... however, her surprise was dominated by the fact that...strangers were embracing her. "Um...who are you? How do you know my name?" 

Their world shattered at those words, causing them to instantly remove their hands from the girl. When she had finally taken a detailed glance at them, she jolted, "Oh! BTS!" They felt relieved to know that she hadn't forgotten about them, before, "Congratulations on your successful concert! I hope you liked the flowers~It's such a coincidence to see you at such a late time."

Her eyes gleamed towards the idols, but they could only give her a shocked, despair look; she had forgotten them. "U-um...well it was nice meeting you. I must be absolutely lucky to have met such famous artists. Have a goodnight~" She walked right past them, exactly what anyone would do, after she bowed. There wasn't any family love in her words anymore, no loyal affection in her eyes, just an ordinary interaction between a girl with 7 idols. Jungkook immediately caught her wrist as she strolled past him, "Wait Y/N!" Her moonlit eyes met his, "Yes?". Jungkook's throat went dry as he stared at her distant eyes, "Did you...Have you forgotten about us?"

She continued to stare at them with blank eyes while she reminisced about her fishy friend's words, "When I saw the boys crying and calling out your name on shore...I thought they were your brothers...but I can't be certain.". Y/N's eyes warmed, "I'm not sure what you mean but I think this is the first time I've met you in person..." Jungkook's grip tightened around her fragile wrist from the frustration, "I'm sorry Y/N...I'm sorry...We're sorry." 

His legs weakened as he fell to the ground on his knees, pulling Y/N down a little, "Huh? What's wrong?! Please get up! Are you okay?" She tried pulling him up from his glued legs as her eyes fell on the members behind, "Could you help me a bit? Please." They broke their distressed stares as the boys began carrying Jungkook by the arms, "Y/N, come with us." She looked at them puzzled, "Where?"

Y/N found herself in front of a beautiful house; it didn't stand out yet it had its charismatic features. The white walls were bathed in luminous moonlight as they approached the wooden door, 'This house, the walls, the door...this feels like...home?' Y/N stepped into the spacious living room, and despite the messiness, it felt nice. 

A wide sofa with a glass coffee table on a smooth, polished wooden floor accompanied with a large TV. Directly opposite of the TV was a cosy kitchen that reeked of cup noodles, "Sorry for the mess..." Namjoon apologised as he became aware of the chaos in the house, "Don't worry! It's nice to see idols comfortable at home. No one should feel the need to be perfect. It's completely...human!" The boys blushed at her remark as Taehyung and Jimin set Jungkook on the couch, who fell flat on his butt.


I kneeled on the polished wooden floors, in front of the half-dead idol, facing his lost eyes, "Are you okay?". I didn't know if he was staring at something behind or at me, but his eyes were burrowing into my soul, 'God damn it...What's his name again?' I began to think harder until, "...Jungkook" I heard a girl's voice, ringing through my mind, "...Jungkook..." was my voice. Despite the confusion, I gazed at the idol again, "Are you okay...Jungkook?" His eyes instantly returned to life with a shimmer before I realised his arms were already wrapped around me, kneeling with me on the floor, "You do remember me, right Y/N?!". 

"U-u-uh..." I was stunned from the sudden change of position until one of the other members gently forced him off of me, "Jungkook, don't bother. It's clear she doesn't remember."

I raised from my kneeling position, facing the group of artists, "I don't remember what?". Their eyes wandered around, glancing at each other, unsure of how to answer my question. One mouth opened, "We're your brothers, Y/N." Their attention was intense as they observed for a reaction. "B-brothers?" A blinding white light flashed before me. I see Marina talking, "I thought they were your brothers...but I can't be certain." .

My vision slowly returned as the dim lights of the living room made its presence. "B-but I don't have any brothers..." A white lie; it's not entirely true but I was also uncertain of the fact that this famous group has a blood-related relationship with me. "I believe you have lost your memories after..." He stopped talking, hesitant on whether to finish the sentence or not, 'After I jumped off the cliff...' I knew what he was going to say since Marina had already informed me, but I had to act like I didn't know, just to not cause confusion or reveal anything about mermaids.

"...Anyways, you just need to know that we're your brothers for now...We'll tell you the whole situation another time." I softly smiled, "...Ok, I believe you..." Their faces softened at my words, before, "By the way...what are your names?" The question had shakened them as their expressions darkened, but through the unknown pain I didn't realise I had caused them, they warmly introduced themselves. "Have you eaten yet, Y/N?" Hoseok asked. I noticed I haven't had anything for the entire day as I was so caught up with Ajumma's funeral. I was fighting back the tears at the thought of Ajumma, "...N-no." Jin smiled, "Let me make something for you! We all can eat together!" My emotions lightened up from the offer, "I'll help!"


Dear Readers,

I hope you are enjoying 'Forgive me, My Brothers'!


💜 💜 💜🎉🎉🎉Happy Birthday to our lovely handsome sunshine, J-HOPE!!!🎉🎉🎉 💜 💜 💜

 💜 💜 💜🎉🎉🎉Happy Birthday to our lovely handsome sunshine, J-HOPE!!!🎉🎉🎉 💜 💜 💜

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