Chapter seven

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The days seemed to fly by after I had fixed Bumblebee's vocals, like expected he had refused to utter a word and in a way I respected him for his determination even if it would get him killed in the end. Heading down the halls I made my way towards Soundwave's station, ever since Shockwave had returned my original usefulness had shrunken down to very little when it came to decoding and such. Making my way through the final door I noticed Shockwave messing around with some strange equipment, Soundwave as usual was at the control panel.

"Ahh you've arrived, Soundwave and I wish to conduct an experiment of sorts, we wish to see if we can manage to create you a bot form, yes you have proven rather useful as you are now but your use could become far greater should this succeed," Shockwave informed, shocked at the sudden information I approached the tall purple mech. Hauling myself onto the experimental berth I laid myself down cautiously, I never liked being the test subject but the moment the tube connected with the back of my helm everything went black and I was sent into an oddly calming darkness.

**Time Skip**

After what felt like an eternity I felt my systems start up again, opening my optics I began to look around. I was still in my normal mode which confused me slightly, looking over to where Shockwave was standing beside Soundwave I could see my own vitals upon the screen.

"It seems the procedure was in a way a success, now Shadowseeker, do step off the berth and follow a basic instinct hidden deep within your spark," Shockwave instructed, obeying his orders I cautiously stepped off the berth and stood at full height. Heaving a sigh I allowed the strange feeling I had felt the moment I woke up to become my focus, within moments I had transformed into what I could only describe as a rather tall seeker femme bot.

"Procedure was a success," Soundwave mimicked, completely ignoring them both for a moment I began to examine my new self.

"What gave you both the desire to create a new mode for me?" I questioned over my own thoughts, turning my gaze back to them I noticed I stood at level height with Soundwave as per usual which I was glad for.

"We wanted to see if it was possible, if it wasn't than nothing would have truly changed, but now that we know even artificial creations can achieve such a new evolution it means others who have not yet achieved such a part in their evolutionary stage will be able to at some point within their lives," Shockwave explained, nodding to his words I gave myself a final look over before setting myself back on the berth. It felt weird walking on only two feet but in a sense I felt far more freedom, my tail didn't exist in this form which helped me with my balance in a way but felt extremely weird.

"You will remain here while you adjust to your new mode," Shockwave instructed, giving him a half hearted nod finding my new mode fascinating that I looked like one of them.

"Does Megatron know of this?" I mumbled half to myself, a slight nod from Soundwave gave me my answer. The sound of a door opening made me stiffen slightly, lifting my gaze from my hands I felt a strange feeling of fear ripple through my spark when my gaze locked with Megatrons. Out of respect I quickly looked down, after a few moments of silence I felt Megatron move his gaze elsewhere.

"It seems your experiment was a great success once more, for now Shadowseeker with work on mastering her new mode alongside helping Soundwave as I need your attention focused on other things Shockwave," Megatron informed, with a nod the tall bulky mech followed our fearless leader from the room. After a few moments I stood and made my way over to where Soundwave was working once more, after the way Megatron had looked at me the silent mech seemed slightly off.

"You've been awfully talkative today," I pointed out jokingly, to my surprise Soundwave turned his helm to glance at me.

"Focus on your work," he ordered using different voice recordings, with a sigh I began to help him decode some more ancient texts.

**Time Skip**

After what seemed like hours of work I managed to decode a small snippet of code relating to yet another artefact, copying the coordinates I turned and headed for Megatron's throne room otherwise known as the command bay. Heading through the main door I felt a few gazes turn to me but I simply headed to where Megatron stood looking out over the world below, only when I was close enough did I begin to speak.

"We have found the coordinates for another artefact my lord," I stated doing a slight bow, this caused him to turn slightly.

"I want you and Starscream to go investigate, take a few others with you incase the Autobot's try anything," he ordered before turning back to supervising, with a nod I turned and almost crashed into Starscream. Without needing to say anything we began to head for the launch bay where I could safely summon and ground bridge, along the way we gathered a few other cons for backup before heading through my newly summoned ground bridge. Looking around I noticed we were in what seemed to be a glacier canyon, transforming I lowered my helm and I began to navigate my way towards the artefacts strange scent. Once I located it I began to dig at the hard packed snow beneath my paws, once I had dug it up I transformed back into my bot mode and grabbed it before standing back up.

"So Shockwave and Soundwave really did give you a bot mode, they did a rather, good job," Starscream pointed out as I turned to face him, shaking my helm I shoved his face backwards knowing exactly what he was on about.

"Don't even try it Screamer," I grumbled as I began typing in the coordinates for the Nemesis, the sound of a cannon firing up nearby caused me to dodge just as a blast of blue energon shot past me and into the glacier wall. Turning my gaze towards our attackers I shifted my hand into my own cannon and began to fire, down here there was no cover so we were going to have a bit of a problem. A large blast hitting the glacier wall behind me had me tensing, turning my helm I listened as it began to crack and before I could think began to collapse. Looking around I noticed Starscream had already fled while the other cons were fleeing, chasing after them I noticed a large and dangerous shadow falling faster than I was running which made my spark run cold. Knowing it was better for the Autobot's to have the artefact than to lose it altogether I mustered up all the strength I could and threw it just out of reach of the falling ice, shock spread across the faces of my enemies as finally the ice pillar struck and everything went black.

Transformers: ShadowseekerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora