Poem 2 - Life is...

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Life is a bitch.

Truth is ugly.

Reality is a bastard.

Justice is retarded.

Freedom is a slut.

Hope is dead.


Life is a bitch.

It lets you live

Just to kill you in the end.

It gives you lemons

But who said you knew how to make lemonade?

It goes your way (which is forward)

And in undertone curses at you

Saying "Let's go back

The more steps you take that way

The faster you die!"  

Truth is ugly.

No one wants to see him.

He always hid behind his brother Faux.

Everyone liked his sweeter, handsomer brother.

Anyway, whoever did want to see the beast behind the beauty

Actually, he was no beast,

But, who doesn't judge by the covers?  

Reality is a bastard.

You only see what you want to see.

Well, just until reality comes along

What you see isn't there,

What you want is not what you get.

For living in your head,

Is all you ever do and ever will do.

Back to reality,

Thing is, there's no escape from it.  

Justice is retarded.

She never did get it right.

She goes on and on about fairness

Now, please tell me she hasn't let free another criminal!

On the streets you see "free" men,

And the innocent never see the light of day

Justice, do tell, how this is really for our good?  

Freedom is a slut.

She jumps from bed to bed

Whose is she really?

For a second, she's yours

The next, she's with her next customer.

"Free", is she truly?

No, not when you need to pay for a lapdance.  

Hope is dead.

It's not like anyone remembered to attend his funeral

Oh, he's smiling, again.

A tear trickles down his face.

He was long dead

But he still turns and tosses in his coffin

For when was Hope to Rest In Peace?  

(A/N: I'm not sure if it's ok to consider this a poem but I guess the first, shortened version is. Please comment and tell me how I can improve. :D)

At Boredom's Peak And Inspiration's FeetΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα