Chapter five

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I sat in my car outside of Jackson and Allen, trying to mentally prepare myself for the day ahead. Don’t get me wrong I like the people there and everything it just mind numbing, and boring. All I do is make coffee runs and file papers it gets old real fast, and I don’t even get paid for it. I thought interning would be more exciting… more challenging. I grabbed my brief case full of homework. If I can’t do anything ground breaking today maybe I can get this Calculus homework done. I slid out of my car and started toward the office doors.

I was checking my over 65 E-mails as I walked into the building toward the Elevator. It was mostly all junk and coupons. Then I saw one marked Jackson & Allen. I was just about to open it when I hit what I assume was a brick wall. It knocked me off my feet and I crumpled to the ground with my phone, and all the papers in my brief case falling around me.

“Sorry, let me help you,” the wall said.

What? Walls don’t talk.

I looked up to see a beautiful Hispanic man with his hand extended for me to take. He was a Latin God. He could had picked me up and flew me away on his magic carpet to Narnia and I would have been super ok with it. I took his hand and came unsteadily to my feet.

I looked down at the mess I had made and began to bend down and pick up the papers but was stopped by the stranger.

“Don’t. I’ll get it it’s my fault.” He said placing his hand on my shoulder stopping me. His touch made my skin tingle. There go them breakup hormones again. I nodded dumbly, and watched as he gathered up all my papers and put them back into their holster. He picked up my phone and placed it gently in my hand.

“Thank you.” I said. Trying not to smile too hard, but totally failing. I was now standing face to face with this Latin Prince and he was more beautiful than before. He was a cinnamon color with eyes the color of grass. He was well dressed and smelled fresh. His smile is what really got me though. His teeth where perfectly straight and so bright white a blind man would need to put on sunglasses.

“You are more than welcome Eva.” He said. It caught me off guard the way he said my name. He rolled the V in my name. I didn’t know you could roll V’s, but it was the most beautiful thing I ever heard. I wanted to bare his children right then and there. Wait. How did he know my name?

I guess he read the confusion on my face, “Your name was on the calculus homework I picked up for you.” He explained flashing his megawatt smile again.

“Oh yeah. You know my name but I don’t know yours.”

“I’m Santiago Lopez, the new attorney here.”

“I have heard that name before, but I don’t remember where.”

And then it all hit me. I went back to the E-mail on my phone and read it. YES YES YES!!!

“It says here on this E-mail I am supposed to help you get settled.” I explained showing the E-mail to him. He never looked down at my phone he kept complete eye contact with me.

“Great, my office is somewhere on the third floor,” he smiled biting his bottom lip.

Can I please marry you? I really wanna be Mrs. Eva Lopez.

Snap. Out. Of.IT.

“Follow me,” I said as we got on the elevator.

“What did you do to be put in an office on ‘dead man’s hall’,” I asked.


“Dead Man’s Hall is the third floor. There are only three offices up there. One is an over glorified storage room, the other belongs to Tom Jackson who only came into it once every three months, and the other is mostly likely your office. There is only one employee up there, and that’s Mrs. Barbara Noels, she’s half dead but as sweet as a pie.” I explained. The elevator stopped and dead man’s hall became a reality. I led the way out of the elevator and to the corner office. It was a beautiful office that I would kill to have.

“Hay mama B.” I said as I passed by her desk. She flashed me a big white denture filled smile, and went back to knitting.

“Here you go.” I said opening the door to his office.

“Thank you,”

I nodded and started walking toward the elevator again. He cleared his throat, and I thought his voice was sexy and silky before, but somehow he made it even smoother, “I was wondering if you wanted to grab a drink after work?”


Calm down and breath . You are ok. You are ok. He is just a man… a gorgeous beautiful man. Who asked you to get drinks . Fuck I don’t drink.

“Sorry, I don’t drink,” I answered.

His usually Time Square bright face was dim with disappointment. Fuck why did I have to be so lame?

“It is ok you probably have to get back home to your boyfriend anyway. A catch like you he probably never lets you out of his sights.”

I blushed. This guy was good.

“I don’t have a boyfriend,” I laugh,” I just don’t like the taste of alcohol.”

“Oh ok do you wanna grab coffee?”

“I don’t drink coffee it taste nasty to me.”

“Do you wanna grab a nice cup of cold water after work?”

“I have a rare condition where I’m allergic to water unless its pH is 8.8,” I said stone faced.

“Oh my god really? I’m sorry I didn’t know.” He said full of guilt.

“I’m kidding. I’d love to drink a glass of water with you,” I laughed. He smiled and we bid one another good bye.

I walked back to my cubical with a huge smile on my face. I sat there trying to do my Calculus homework, but just ended up thinking about Santiago shirtless. I really couldn’t wait till tonight

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