In the air, out of it

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"We will be experiencing some turbulence, please fasten your seat belts." An overwhelming sigh floated through the air, negative like a foggy day, not particularly gringe-worthy, but surely bothersome. I fastened the belt tightly, as if that would assure my sanity. I was on my way to New York, a god awful place, with a god awful subway. My father, a wealthy stockbroker, is expecting my arrival. He isn't too fond of my company, and I'm not too fond of his. When I was much younger he wasn't as successful in business, but changes in the company brought prosperity to him and awarded him CEO status. Back then he had time for us kids, of course, now he doesn't. My life is just one huge cliché, pathetic and pitiful. My father and mother divorced in 2008, my 5th year of school and 11th year of life. She was beautiful but had an alcoholic drive. Not that my father was much better, he cleanly finished a 6 pack with ease, but at least he had goals. My mother lacked in the goal department, and really, I don't blame her. Who could make goals when you come home to a drunken estates man and 2 chaotic children? She moved away to London; I suppose she thought distance would make all the difference. And of course, distance didn't, nothing would. My father won custody of my brother and I, not like he actually wanted us, it just looked good on his resume. My brother had a crazy soul, not the nutty way, but a truly energetic man. He bundled up his energy into the army, an easy distraction I suppose. I was proud of Benjamin, but felt he didn't protect me enough. "12 minutes to landing folks" cheerfully exclaimed the flight attendant. My eyes bored into her soul, how could she be so optimistically genuine? I gazed out the window as the clouds faded away into the midnight darkness and I dreaded the instant my eyes would make contact with the concrete overlaid earth.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2014 ⏰

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