Failed Date

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Chapter 1


"So, what's your family like?" He asked.

I slam my half empty glass of water down, causing it slosh over the side and spill onto the table. The boy across the table from me flinched.

"Stop asking such personal questions! Can you not tell that I don't like talking about my personal life?!"

The boy looks up sheepishly, running his hand through his blond hair. His expression is dejected and I suddenly feel bad.

Maybe I shouldn't have yelled that, I think. But no, all he's been asking is where I'm from, my siblings, my past life before I moved here, and so on. I'm not really that fond of talking about me and what happened before I came, so I may have overreacted.

"You think?" A voice derails my train of thought and I look up. The blond guy from earlier isn't there anymore.

"Shoot. Did I say that out loud?" I panic.


Now that I really look at the new guy, I recognize him. Asher Wilson. The most popular kid in school. Trademark brown hair and swirls of amber in his blue eyes. I can't deny that he's attractive, but I have no desire to chase him around like all of the other girls at school.

"Do you talk to yourself all the time?" Asher breaks into my thoughts once again.

"Why are you here?" Deliberately not answering his question.

"I saw you kick Austin out of your booth so I came over to see what the ruckus was about. And you have a terrible past?

So Blondie had a name. Austin. I totally forgot.

"Well, I'll be going now." I tell him, not answering his question.

"Wait, I never got your name." He runs after me.

I internally roll my eyes. I'm not the most popular girl at school, but it's not like I'm invisible. But of course he doesn't know my name.

"It's Lexi." I say and walk away into the inky darkness. I get into my car and pull out of the parking lot.

I'm only a few blocks away from home when I see a car on my side of the road, going the wrong way. I don't have time to react. The last thing I hear is a crash and squeal of tires. 

He isn't back, is he?

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