Roses Are Red

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 A rose. A single rose. Red. More of a violet color to it however. A single thorn sticking out of the stem. The rose was sticking out of a patch of grass growing out of a crackled street in the middle of a dusty city that no one has visited in years. The rose was dying, but it looked as if it was grasping for air like a hero grasping onto some rope after they've fallen off a cliff. Someone stomped on the rose, then darkness...

 Woke up in a room, the white lights were bling me. I put my hand up to cover the light, and the other hand on the medical table I was somehow on just to push myself up. I look in the glass, 5'0 clock shadow, shaggy, brown hair, tan skin, hazel colored eyes surrounded by a shade of blood red, and I had the ugly hospital clothes on, with bunches of needles stuck in me everywhere. The room was filled with hospital supplies. The room was light blue, tiles surrounded the room, and that's all I got to see before the room was flooded by reporters. Crowding me like a whole bunch of hyenas after a kill.

 "How does it feel to be the last human on Earth?" Shouted one reporter.

 "Red, full of... thorns and beauty..." I said.

 "What are you talking about?"

 "Earth was beautiful, full of nature and everything, but you all destroyed it, turned back on your own planet. That rose reminded me of my mother, you all took her away! YOU TOOK IT AWAY! THAT ROSE WAS BEAUTIFUL LIKE MY MOTHER AND YOU ALL TOOK THEM BOTH AWAY! YOU BETRAYED YOUR PLANET!! YOU BETRAYED YOURSELVES!!!!"

 I was apparently "out of control". They used violence to knock me out.

 "There's nothing to see here! Get away! He's contagious!" Screamed "The Doctor".

 I woke up in a strange world. No color at all. The people pointed me to where I was supposed to work.

 I was a slave now, and I didn't even know what was going on, all I knew was that I was in Sky City. Above Earth, but it was a whole new fucking planet.

 They put me in the nastiest place ever, the wood burning factory. There were tubes connected to Earth chopping down trees, and sending them to the factories, the wood was burned for electricity to power the whole city. I couldn't stand it, sweating up for 12 hours a day. No breaks. "The Matadors" or the Masters, would whip us for fun. We were entertainment for the lazy. Slaves, and I thought we were better then this.

 The factory looked like what your average dump would look like, and times that by 100, put a couple of people in armor, guns and whipe, and surround that dump by a special, reinforced titanium, and the titanium was surrounded by a Force field, floating up in the sky near nothing, and you got the wood burning factory.

 Sky City was gray, and the apartment that was mine was worse then the factory. I would rather stay in the factory then my apartment. One bed, one restroom, half a kitchen. I had to wash all of my dishes in the bathroom sink, but hey, there wasn't any roaches in there, so I guess it's alright.

 A couple months passed by, punch in and punch out, 70 cents an hour, I finally saved enough to buy some supplies.

 I stashed a couple pieces of wood in my locker that night, I frantically walked to my apartment. I had bought some strings and some tuners for a "Keytar" because guitars were apparently dead. I bet you can guess what I built by now? An acoustic guitar. Bought back memories. I played that thing all night long. That was the first day I overslept for work, they don't take that lightly...

 "Wake up Hoebag!!" The Matador said as he kicked me right in my stomach. He looked like a knight in shining armor, yet he was the devil!

 "I am awake!!"

 "You were supposed to be in the factory 2 hours ago!"

 "Whats this?" Asked another Matador, pointing towards my guitar.

 "You know stealing wood from the factory is illegal!"

 "But it's from Earth!" I exclaimed.

 "It doesn't matter! Take it up with him hoebag!" He said as I got kicked in the shin by his ankle blade.

 Not only did I have to get punishment for the day, but I had to work for 12 hours with an ankle that was bleeding. Not bleeding as in "Oh, you need a band-aid!" more as in "Oh, shit! Somebody call a doctor!" type of bleeding.

 Punishment room:

 "You have an acoustic guitar in your room?" Siad the judge.

 "Yes." I said.


 "In this world, nothing is beautiful, not even the music. i thought I'd at least make that beautiful, in a litlle way."

 "You never left Earth, you're just in the sky."

 "A sky with no color! A sky where everybodies bleeding! Nobody, nothing is beautiful! Everything that we have established down there, seems to have dissapeared in the clouds that we live in! We forgot how it was to dance with a girl in the rain, we forgot about a white Christmas, The Beatles,Riding your bike down a hill, doing everything just because you were a kid, I've been living in this world for a couple months, I haven't seen one kid yet. That's because the parents are too afraid that their kid will fall out of the clouds! There isn't beauty in this world! ONLY DICTATORSHIP!!"

 "Your punishment is..... you are a test subject! We are going to inject you with everything we possibly know to find out how to cure all of these new diseases that we got when we moved to the clouds. Go!!!"


 I was taken away, I spent 6 months inside of test chambers, nothing beautiful, I thought of the red rose. They were asking me questions about Earth, I couldn't tell them, I was too busy being drugged to remember. 6 Years slipped me by, I didn't remember anything from my past.

 They finally sent me back to my apartment, and I saw the guitar. I remembered the guitar, and the rose. Something had to be done...

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