Vanilla Milkshake - Valentine's Day

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I rolled over in bed when I felt the fluffy covers being yanked off my body.

"What the hell?!" I grunted and was met with my brother glaring down at me.

"Get up! It's almost two in the afternoon." Mike snapped.

"Why does it matter? I'm tired." I replied.

"Because I'm not going to watch you sulk around and cry all day." Mike spoke.

I rolled my eyes, "I don't cry." I scoffed.

"Yeah okay sure. I totally didn't hear you sobbing your eyes out last night." He answered.

"Shut up!" I playfully threw my pillow at my annoying brothers head.

"Regardless, it's been almost three months since you and she who must not be named, broke up. I want you to have a fun Valentine's Day." Mike spoke softly.

"Yeah and how do you expect me to do that? I'm not exactly in a relationship." I glared as I watched a mischievous smile spread across Mike's face."

"Funny you mention that. I arranged a special little day for you and a.. friend." Mike grinned and rubbed his hands together.

"A friend? God don't tell me that this is a blind date. I don't need my little brother setting me up with people." I sat up in my bed and ran my hand through my long brown hair.

I was just about to push Mike out of my room so I could spend the day under my covers watching sad movies when I heard the doorbell ring.

"He's here! I'll stall! Get showered and dressed up. Nicely, please!" Mike exclaimed excitedly and sprang towards the living room.

"Wait! "He"?" Mike! It's a he?! I'm not gay." I yelled back at him.

"You keep telling yourself that Vic. I've seen your browser history." I heard Mike yell tauntingly.

I felt my cheeks heat up in embarrassment at the thought of my brother knowing what kind of porn I was into.

I really didn't want to go through with this day, but now that this guy was already here I'd feel bad leaving him hanging.

I groaned internally as I pulled myself out of bed and made my way to the bathroom.

After washing all the sweat of another sleepless night I pulled on my favorite tan skinny shorts. What does someone wear on a date with a guy? Should I dress like I always do? After staring at myself in the mirror for far too long, I settled on a black Vans crew neck hoodie, and a maroon SnapBack on backwards.

I was slipping my feet into my black sneakers just as Mike barged back into my room

"Dude! This guy is hot. Boy, do I know your type or what! You're going to lose your shit when you see him." Mike exclaimed.

"Mike, how on earth do you know what my type is? Regardless if you've seen... what I watch.. you still wouldn't know my type." I spoke softly, embarrassed but curious.

Mike raised his eyebrow at me, "Are you serious? I'm your brother. I've seen you check out multiple guys over the years when we would go to the bars with the guys." He deadpanned.

"Yeah right!" I fired back not confidently at all because I knew he was right.

"That a boy!" Mike patted me on my back, "Now come and meet your new boy toy."

I yanked on the back of Mike's shirt and pulled him out of view of the living room, whispering harshly at him.

"Who is this guy anyway? He's not a prostitute is he? I'd feel bad if he was a prostitute." I whispered.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2020 ⏰

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