Chapter 33.

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2 days after Ross had died was his funeral. I met his wife and kids, and I told them the last message he ever said to me during my speech. I felt to much of a courage to do it face to face so I did it at the speech. Louis had been released out of the hospital the next day after he was put in it. His injured arm was nothing serious thank goodness. Eleanor was still in recovery but was granted to come to the funeral and though she never met the guy she was thankful he saved Louis life.

"You think you can help me with a little something this afternoon?" Louis asked as everyone left after the funeral. I nodded not quite sure what it could be.

"What is it?"

"You'll see. I'll text you the details but for now I'm taking Eleanor back to the hospital." I nodded and gave him a good bye hug as he left and pushed Eleanor's wheelchair to the car.

Louis POV:

"So you let me have her for the afternoon?" The doctor smiled and nodded.

"As long as you bring her back she still isn't well enough to be outside hospital guidance for long periods of time. " I nodded and smiled thanking the man and walked to Eleanor's room.

"Put your shoes back on we are going for a journey." Eleanor looked at me confused and shook her head.

"Where to?" I shrugged and smiled.

"Where the wind takes us." she smiled and nodded and she obeyed with her shoes and I helped her get into TV wheel chair and rolled her down to the car.


"The park?" Eleanor asked confused. "what are we doing at a park Louis?" I chuckled and kept quiet as I walked to the other side of the car and helped her into her wheelchair.

"It's for a walk." she chuckles and smiles and I stroll her to the pathway. After a few minutes of silence you could hear music coming from afar.

"Louis do you hear that?" I shrugged and kept walking towards the direction of the music.

"It must be a sign." I whispered all spooky like into her ear.

"Louis!" She laughs and lightly punches my lower arm.

"Let's check it out."

We walked in silence as the music grew louder and balloons started to peek through the trees.

"We are getting close." I whispered as I stopped and stood in front of her.

"Put this on." I demand and hand her the handkerchief. she rolls her eyes and I helped her put the thing around her eyes.

"Good can you see?" I ask her and she laughs and denies to seeing.

"Okay whatever you do don't take the cloth off." she awnsers with a okay and I began to push her. I saw Melody try not to snicker out loud as I put her in the appropriate spot and I saw that the boys were ready to begin. i signalled for melody to come over here and I whispered for her to help me with the unfolding when I have her the cue. I smiled at the boys and signalled for Niall to start playing the guitar and for Zayn to come in with his solo.

Going out tonight changes into something red.

Her mother doesn't like that kind of dress

Everything she never had she's showing off

I smiled proud at the boys and with us coming up with this song for Eleanor. towards the end of the song I signalled for melody to take the blind off. I burst into the last lyrics and looked at her right in the eye.

It will never change baby

It will never change

"It's will never change me and you.

"Eleanor, you are the most beautifulest person I've ever met you put up with my shit when no one else could. I regret everything I did to you, all the crying all the screaming all the yelling I can only hope that you forgive me for all the bad I've done to you. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, you're such a amazing person and you're just right for me. that's why here in front of melody, the boys and Jason I ask for you to...."

I dramatically get on one knee and pop the question.

"Will you marry me?"

I was greeted with a smile and a kiss with a yes along the way. I smiled and looked at the beautiful women in front of me. Eleanor Calder soon to be Eleanor Tomlinson.

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