Nanwoo vs Joobin

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Yeonwoo: I maybe a bitch

Nancy: Ok?

Yeonwoo: But that is because I am very addicted to you *winks at Nancy*

Nancy: *blushes* Aww that's so cute, but you is only my bitch and mine ALONE.

Yeonwoo: *laughing* Ok McDonie baby


*Hyebin witnessed Yeonwoo's cheesy line to Nancy*

Hyebin: Hey Tropicana

JooE: *looks up from phone, annoyed* What?

Hyebin: I maybe a bitch

JooE: Forget maybe, you are a bitch, the biggest bitch actually.

Hyebin: *eyes turns to slits* pabo *pulling the middle finger up to JooE*

Short Joobin OneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora