Mari Strani

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The whole car ride was so quiet. He's driving the speed limit which is a good sign for the both of us. I'm checking up on him from time to time. He looks so sad

I don't know what went wrong. Julia, first and foremost, knows that Charlie lied to her before and now she's giving him another chance? Well I guess love is really blind. Can't blame her on that. But she should've told Thirdy about her decision before this day came. I can't imagine how painful that scenario is for Thirdy. I'm so frustrated right now

After a few minutes, we arrived at the seaside not far from our campus. He went down so I followed him. He was holding something from his right hand but I cannot see it. He sat down on the sand so I just did the same

Only the waves can be heard right now. He is staring blankly into space, breathing heavily. He opened his hands and there, I saw the infinity ring,

"I really thought this ring will change everything. She told me that she wants to have an infinity ring since she was young. I paid attention to the things she wants from a guy…"

I never said a word and just let him speak his mind

"I never expected it to be this bad. After all the efforts I put into, this is the thanks I got, a broken heart…"

He paused and bumped his head on his knees

"I love her so much Bea. Am I being too pushy?"

I looked at him and shook my head

"No Thirdy. Everything you did was great..." I said

He scratch his head and looked at the ocean

"Then why am I hurting this much?"

I sighed and looked at his frustrated face. How I wish I could take the pain away

"It's not your fault that she wasn't able to see through that. You're amazing, Thirdy. Don't let anyone make you think otherwise…"

He scoffed and threw the ring in the waters. I followed it and I saw it landing on the far side of the sea

"Why did you threw it away?" I asked

"I just want to get rid of the pain, Bei. But it didn't…"

I saw the waves going higher and the skies are dominated with black clouds

I looked at him and held his hand

"Look. I saw the efforts you did for her. That was every girl's dream Thirdy, and you made her experience that. You showed her how she is the most important person in your life. You did your part, and I hope you will not blame yourself for that…"

He shook his head and stood up

"What I did was not enough Bei, and I need to prove myself to her even more…"

He walked in the direction of the sea and removed his shoes

"Oh my God Thirds what are you doing?" I screamed. The wind was blowing harder and the waves are stronger than the way it was minutes ago

He threw his shoes away and looked at me

"If I want to prove myself to her, I should recover that ring and give it to her…"

My eyes grew bigger as he ran towards the ocean. He cannot possibly recover that ring right now!

"Thirdy! Thirdy please come back! The waves are too big!"

He is not looking back and he dipped himself in the chilly waters. He is swimming but the waves are too strong so it's harder for him to control himself

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