The first day back

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I was laying in bed. The cold breeze from my window rushed in, hitting my face. The leaves outside rustled, and the birds were chirping, signaling the start of the day. I glanced over at my alarm clock, 6:20 flashing across the screen. I sighed, getting up. My phone was buzzing as always. 519 new messages. All from Kori and..ugh..Kasey. "Do they ever sleep?!.." I yawned as I  went downstairs, time to get ready for Monday.

I got off the school bus, my best friend Olly next to me. He was enthusiastic as always, telling me all about his holiday, "And we swam with dolphins! real life dolphins!" he babbled on and on. I stopped listening about halfway through, although I nodded every now and then to show I was some what interested. We got to the gate, and up ahead I could see Kori. My eyes lit up as I ran off. "Sorry Olly! we'll talk later?" I called behind me, but didn't really wait for an answer. "Kori-" I gasped slightly, as I saw someone else next to them. Kasey. That friend stealing bitch. Wherever  Kasey was, Kori always seemed to follow. What's so special about her?! Ugh..I hate her. "Oh. Kasey. I wasn't expecting to see you here. Hi." I smiled grimly, trying not to show my jealousy. She, however, already knew how I felt and was willing to take advantage of that. "Hey Ellouise! how are you? Me and Kori were just heading to form." She smiled, taking Kori's hand. I growled, glaring at her. "Me and Kori were..uh actually gonna go do our project together." I grabbed their hand, ready to walk off. However they stopped. "Sorry Ellouise...I have plans with Kasey. We can do the project tomorrow?" I sighed, letting go of their hand. However much I wanted to just walk off and leave Kasey, Kori seemed happy with her. I wasn't going to stop that. Not yet, anyway. I put on a cheery smile, "Yeah sure! I was gonna go hang out with Olly anyways!" Kasey smiled, showing her victory. "Nice talking to you, Ellouise." She walked off with Kori. I rolled my eyes, standing where I was. Just you wait, Kasey. I'm winning this battle. Not you.

375 words woah-

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17, 2021 ⏰

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