We meet

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Shrek's pov
I was walking down the street towards my favourite cafe " The swamp" and I saw the most beautiful person I've ever seen.
I didn't know his name, I didn't even know if he was single, but I had to talk to him. I had to.

There he was. Beautiful. Majestic.

I approached the cafe and walked inside. He was standing by the shop area of the cafe as I neared closer.
Danny's pov
A shrexy looking man came up to me and he said " Hello, I'm Shrek" in an extremely lovely voice. I responded with " Hi I'm Danny" in a calm voice. We made small talk for awhile, mainly talking about life and our future and then Shrek asked me on a date; i immediately said yes.
Shrek's pov
I did it I asked Danny on a date. My future begins.

To be continued......

Danny DeVito x Shrek Where stories live. Discover now