1. Will you read my story?

163 16 12

The short answer?


The long answer?

No, because I barely have time to read books these days for my own amusement, let alone the millions of amazing stories on Wattpad.

This does not mean I don't think you're a good writer, or I don't want to give you the attention you deserve.

It just means that I'm not the one you should be asking.

I know there are a lot of other people on Wattpad who will be more than willing to read your work, and I know there are many avenues where you can get involved to start sharing them.

Book clubs, competitions, contests, read-for-read swaps... even the community forums (which I don't normally venture towards, but I hear great things).

Most of these are all things I did when I first started to get myself out there.

Yes, it seems like it's a lot more effort than just dropping a PM to a successful Wattpad writer, but I assure you, if you put it in, it will pay you back.

Find your niche and stick with it. Locate your genre profiles and get involved. Between the Ambassadors and the community, there are so many options out there.

I believe in you. You can do this!

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