Chapter 11

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Cassie P.o.v

"So did you introduce yourself to her." "Yea and she one fine girl." He responded. I rolled eyes and scoffed. "Yea whatever.....but I want you to get closer to her by these pass two months." He nodded and drove off and I walked back to the house.

1 and a half month later
Yn P.o.v

I was jamming to my music with one ear plug in my ear while vacuuming. I was about to start tweaking but I was interrupted by a ringing sound. I realised it was the door bell and I turned the vacuum off and approached the door. Damn right when I was about to kill it. I just know that It can't me Mr or Mrs. Simmons because they are in the basement. And it can't be Russell because he went on tour with Diggy and Trevor Jackson for a little while. "Who is it!" I yelled. "Justin." A familiar voice responded. " I got on my tippy toes and peeped through the peep hole and saw him. My hand unlocked the locks one by one. Finally I got the door open and me and Justin greeted each other with hugs. "How did you find where I live?" I asked him closing the door. "I know people." He said shrugging and sitting on the couch. "Well I guess I will get finished cleaning and we will go up to my room and chill." "Ok. You need help?" "No I-" "Yes you do." He interrupted. I rolled my eyes and chuckled as he took the vacuum from my hands. It took about one hour to finish cleaning.

We headed up to my room grabbing a few snacks from the kitchen with us. He instantly laid on my bed and sighed. "Well dang take up all the room on my damn bed." He scooted over. "Sorry...I just didn't know you had to do a lot of cleaning." "Well yep that's my job." I laid on my bed next to him. I turned on the T.v and we talked. Justin is a really a great guy. He told me that he played football and he really enjoys it and he likes to go to the beach and stuff. Maybe that's why he looked familiar. I was about to say something but my phone started ringing. "Wait a minute." I said to Justin and walked out the room. I looked on the screen and it read "Dig✌" I swiped to answer it and heard his voice. "Hello." I heard his slight deep voice. "Oh hey Dig whats up." I said and sat down against the wall. "Nothing really but i'm going to have a show Sunday night and I want to get you plane tickets to Miami so you could come see it." "Of course Dig I would like to see you perform but are your parents cool with this." "Yea they already know but your plane leaves at 11:00 in the morning and the plane tickets are in the mail box. So I guess I will see you tomorrow baby girl."

A wide smile spread across my face and I blushed when he called me baby girl. "Yea I guess bye." "Bye." The line went dead and my smile got wider. My phone buzzed in my hand and it was from Mrs.Simmons saying her and Mr.Simmons left the house. I replied OK and locked my phone entering the room. "Who was that." Justin asked. "Just a friend." I replied back and sat on the bed. My eyes wandered the room until I stopped at the clock and it read 8:00 pm. "So what do you want to do." I asked putting a piece of hair behind my ear. "Well I was thinking of something exciting." He said scooting towards me." "Umm and what would that be." I replied nervously scooting towards the end of the bed. He grabbed me aggressively and traced my thighs. "Justin wha-"  I was interrupted by him planting his lips on me forcefully. I tried my hardest to push him off but he was way stronger than me. He pushed me on the bed making me bang my head on the head board. My head started spinning and stuff got blurry. I felt my clothes being ripped off and felt a liquid running down my neck to my chest. It looked like blood. I tried all my power to get up but he would grip my wrist tighter and tighter. A blurry vision bounced on Justin as he  unbuckled his pants. My vision blurred more and more until I heard muffled words that sounded like "Your gonna give me what I want." Then it just went black.

I know it's boring and short but I tried and I will try to update tomorrow. ✌✌✌✌

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