~*~ Chapter 29 - Sunrise ~*~

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"Logan! Where is my tie?" Roman asked frantically as he searched through the room. "I can't do this, I can't do this."

"Roman, you have literally survived kidnapping and torture, you will surely survive a wedding to someone whom you care very deeply about."

"Torture is nothing, what if I embarrass myself, what if I make him mad? What if he doesn't want to be with me anymore? What if Remus comes and ruins our big day? What if Virgil isn't even awake yet, I shouldn't have done our wedding at sunrise!"

Logan sighed, handing Roman a red and gold tie that went very well with the white suit he was wearing. "You are bound to embarrass yourself, I did, it is best to make that part of your plan. I doubt you will make Virgil mad as you have gone through the process of making him fall in love with you, not once, but twice. As for Remus, though Virgil did invite Dante, we have not seen either of them in the past few months. The likelihood of them showing up is rather slim, and even if he were to show up, we have taken precautions to prevent him from stopping the wedding. Also, Patton has already made sure Virgil is awake and is getting ready. It is more likely that he didn't fall asleep last night and will be tired."

Roman nodded with a frown. That wasn't reassuring. Taking a deep breath, he once again looked at himself in the mirror. "Do you think I look good enough for him? He is always grumpy when he is tired. Should we postpone?"

"Postponing is unwise. It is best to metaphorically bite the bullet, and, while you are no Patton, you will suffice."

"Awe, you are a hopeless romantic."

Logan was thankful that that was going to be enough of a distraction. "No one will believe you."

"Yeah, yeah, your secret is safe with me, bean."


"Yeah, because you are a human bean?" Roman giggled, causing Logan to roll his eyes.

"Leave the jokes to Patton."

Roman gasped, placing his hand over his heart, but he was feeling a lot more relaxed. "Alright, let's get out there so that I can watch the most beautiful man walk down the aisle."

"Patton is gorgeous isn't he." Roman gently punched Logan but smiled anyway. Patton was gorgeous, but he would not be where Roman had his eyes set today.


Virgil was surprisingly calm as Patton helped him prepare for the ceremony. He had insisted on walking Virgil down the aisle claiming that Virgil was his kiddo, so he had to do the proud dad thing. Virgil wasn't fighting it too hard. After being bound his entire life to the memory of a father who had taken everything from him, it was nice to have the idea of Patton giving him to a man who meant everything to Virgil. There was a dark poeticness to it, and Virgil loved the idea.

"Pat, do you think Dante will show up?"

"I don't know kiddo, you did send him a message, and he does have a knack for just showing up, but we haven't seen him in months, so none of us know what he and Remus are doing."

Virgil nodded, wondering if his brother was happy where ever he was. Maybe it was for the best, they could both hold onto the lingering hope that things would be different between them now that everything was out in the open, but maybe it was best to not test the waters.

"You look so handsome!" Patton hugged him tightly, trying not to cry tears of joy.

"Thanks, pops." He whispered, holding him in a hug. Patton and Logan had already gotten married, basically eloping and saying their vows under the starry sky by a moonlit pool. Roman had wanted something with at least a little more fanfare for him and Virgil, and as long as there was no one other than the six of them, Virgil was happy to oblige to all of Roman's weird requests.

"It sounds like Logan has started the music, shall we go?" Patton asked and Virgil nodded, holding Patton's hand tightly. Nothing was going to change after this except their title, that's what Virgil kept reminding himself. There was nothing to be anxious about because nothing was changing.


Off in the distance, Dante sat on a hill, over watching the small backyard wedding as he ran a hand through Remus' hair.

"Don't you want to go down there Deci? We could wreak a little havoc?"

"No, I am content like this." He let out a sigh, looking down at his boyfriend. "Do you still have the desire to kill Roman, it is part of your 'destiny'." He rolled his eyes at the word, watching as Remus shrugged.

"You had a point, I don't like following rules, and what right does this mythical destiny have over what I do? Maybe I'll kill him one day, but if I do it will be because I want to, but for now, there are a lot more people out there who might try to hurt my Deci, I'm fine with killing them instead."

Dante chuckled, kissing the top of Remus' head. He watched as Virgil and Roman kissed before Roman picked up his husband and spun him around. When they were younger, neither of them would have ever imagined being able to have a life where they could be happy. Everything had always been about survival. Time had changed things, Virgil was happy, and dare Dante say it, he was too. "Well then, we have a world to explore, don't we?"

Remus jumped up happily, pulling Dante up. "Yes, yes we do." As the sun was beginning to rise, Remus pulled Dante into a hungry kiss. "I don't know if demons are allowed to have soulmates, but damn I hope you are mine."

"I still don't understand your strange fascination in me?"

"Are you kidding me? You are unshakable, you are sarcastic, you are loyal, and it is magnificent."

Dante felt a blush reach his cheeks as Remus began to pull him away, dragging him from the hill. The sun was rising on a new beginning, for all of them.

AN: I have loved being able to write this for you and I am so thankful that you all have joined me on this journey! Check out The Last Author's Note for any questions that you have regarding the story or for some art for the story made by one of my friends!

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