The Paint on Her Cheek

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Anne and her friends finished working on the boards for tomorrow's protest. Marilla walked around the barn, collecting the paints and brushes while everyone began to take their leave. Gilbert wiped off his hands and approached Anne. Marilla and the other girls continued to clean up.

"Big day tomorrow," Gilbert said to Anne. He sounded a bit unsure and he clenched his fists together. Anne scoffed but a smile grew on her face.

"The biggest." She said with a chuckle. Gilbert smiled back, but before he left, he noticed a streak of white paint on Anne's face. He held back for a bit.

"Um, Anne." He said. She faced him.

"Yes?" She asked. He smiled gently.

"You have a little something..."He reached his hand out and caressed for a cheek. Anne gasped lightly but did not recoil. Gilbert gazed into her eyes as he gently wiped the paint off her cheek with his thumb. Anne's blue eyes reminded him of the blue waters of the ocean and he couldn't seem to pull his eyes away from them. Even when the paint was gone from Anne's cheek, the two ot them stood there, with Gilbert still caressing Anne's face. That's when they heard someone clear their throat and they recoiled from each other quickly as possible. Marilla stood in front of them, trying to hide her smile while holding the buckets of unused paint. Gilbert scratched the back of his head and nodded towards Marilla and Anne.

"Um, I'll see you tomorrow. I'll be off, Miss Marilla." He and Anne shared a look again. "Anne." he said with another smile. He made his way out of the barn.

Anne felt her face one more time to see if there was any paint left and she faced Marilla, whose eyes were twinkling and smile bright. Anne's face reddened. "Not one word, Marilla," said Anne, but she couldn't help but laugh, "Not one word."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2020 ⏰

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