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Her green eyes would scan every room,
searching for what to steal,
searching for what to want.

Everything, she would think to herself.
His people's hatred,
His food
His relationship,
Her red bow tie,
His golden bracelets,
Her sleepless eyes.

she wanted it all.
The ugly, the pretty,
The good, the bad.

It all would be hers. 
Her green dress would be accompanied by red bowties,
gold bracelets,
dark love bites,
dark sleepless eyes,
food stains,
an ego the size of the room they were in. 

All of it. 
They had it, she must have it too. 
One day it would all be hers. 
They would give it willingly to her too. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2020 ⏰

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