The Daylight Ball (poem)

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Diamond marble lines a darkened hall
As music drifts from rafters unseen.
Midnight blue dancers sway lazily across the floor
Trailing sapphire stardust in their wake.
One by one, the couples part,
As candlelight flickers forth,
Illuminating a distant arrival.

Swathed in the palest blue,
Hair tinted with a cascade of rose,
Peels of orange ribbons spanning the
Cotton lush curls,
Cheeks painted with the blush of hope,
And a neck laden with strings of gold
Shining in an invisible light.
Her softest laugh wakes the world
As gilded fingers pour out rosé in honor
Of her guests.
Violet duchesses make way for
A Queen of Crystal and Gold.

The echo of a waltz sounds in the room
And a Glass Prism King steps forth,
Grasping his golden wife by the hand
As strings gliss a symphony.
Spinning through space
Casting rainbows in their wake,
Rays of brilliance wax and wane across the wall.
A flawless three-step harmony upon
The pillowed ground.

An orchestral crescendo hides
The ringing of steel,
Sheathed in blue silks.
Softly, she cries for her king
As tears frost upon her cheek.
Her satin stained crimson
As the violet duchesses take to the floor once more.
And the shattered king of glass
Gently lays his queen upon the marble.
The song ends.

At the last bell of the wise grand clock,
The doors boil open
Revealing masses of oily silk
Studded with icy diamonds and milky ways.
Arms cloaked with the darkest sorrows
And shoulders dripping with midnight despair.
A veil adorned with listless sleep and city lights
Masks grieving eyes.
Shoulders trembling beneath the weight of
An obsidian crown,
This Stygian queen embraces her sister's body
And shrouds it in mourning black,
As the stardust dancers return to the darkness
Of a marble hall.

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