Wake Up Call

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Ring! Ring!

'What's going on, and what's that noise?'

My ears perk up at the loud noise of what I can only asume is a phone. I try to get up but my limbs feeel somewhat heavy and when I blink my eyes a few times my vision is blurry as if I've been blindfoled. I try to swallow the little bit of saliva I have in my mouth but my throat still seems to feel dry.

'How long has it been since I drank water-or anything for that matter! My throat feels dry as hell!'

Riiinnngg! Riiinnnngg!

I want to get up so bad, but my body is aching! I manage to somehow move my left hand to my eyes and begin to rub them. As I do that I keep one eye close and the other open, my vison improves. I begin to force my wobbling arms to push me up off the bed. My vision was improving more as I scanned the room I was in.

"This place is so shit." I say as I look over to my left side, which I seemed to ignore while I was observing my unfamiliar shitty environment, and saw another body.

I yelped but quickly covered my mouth- careful to not wake the bruised up, blood dried up knuckled, beautiful- shirtless, stranger. I began to feel panic, my head started hurting, as I realized that I am in-more than words can describe as a- "compromising position".

"What the fuck! What the fuck!" I whisper to myself as a shot of adrenaline made my once weak body get out the bed quickly but silently.

I began to look around more frantically. Him and I were in a room, clearly in a motel, judging by the looks of it. The phone was ringing and began to irritate my already anxious state. I began to worry for the sleeping stranger. Is he even sleeping? How can he stay awake with that phone blaring. As I walked over to the phone my head began to pound. I quickly ignored the nagging feeling and picked up the phone with a shaking hand, coughing slightly to adjust my tone, and to clear my throat.

"H-hello?" I croaked and whispered in confusion.

"Oh! Finally you wake up! I call you like a bunch of time! Why you no pick up phone you and boyfriend need to check out now! I give you ten minutes." Click!

I didn't even have time to ask any question or respond to the rude female voice with broken English. I looked over the digital clock by the phone.

"Three-thirty pm!" I whispered yelled.

I began to panic even more. How can I not remember I have a boyfriend! If he is my boyfriend, why is he so badly beaten. Why am I half naked! Oh my goodness I am literally half naked! And this man is fully naked! What the fuck happened! Who is he! Who the fuck am I! Why cant I remember anything! How did I get here! How did him and I get here!

My two hands were covering my mouth as I am hyperventilating. The pounding in my head began to frustrate me, as I tried hard to remember. I look over at the handsome rugged stranger. He looked like he was carved by a sculptor. His body was muscular but not too much to intimidate but enough to know that he was definitely athletic. This handsome stranger had plump lips, his upper more fuller than his lower but still heavenly tempting. His skin had a pale olive hue to it, and he had tattoos covering his entire left side of his upper body all the way to his wrist on the same side. His hair was in loose dark curls that didn't seem to go past his chin. To sum it up he was beautiful but even in his disarming state I still sense this aura of danger from him.

Should I even wake him up? Fuck It! Here goes nothing...

I gingerly walk over to him on the other side of the bed him and I shared and begin to poke his shoulder. I would shake him but based off of how I woke up, and the pain in my body Im feeling, and the marks on his skin- it would be cruel to do anything but gingerly touch him. He wasn't budging, I began to feel frustrated. Despite my sympathy and worry I slap the stranger in his face. He instantly flies up and begins to look left and right frantically. I jump back and land on my ass. I slapped him pretty hard... I can admit that.

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