chapter 1, texts from the past

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Picture of Jay


"N-nicky, please stop!!" Liam pleaded as I took the front of his collar picking him up.

"HA!! No way loser" I replied slamming him into the lockers, a grin plastered on my face.

"Now we're going to-

Dream end

Nicky's POV

I swung my head up my body dowsed in sweat. For a couple of moments of sharp breaths and tears, I relaxed realizing it was just a dream. I sighed in utter disgust of what I was in highschool, a grade-a asshole. For the past three years after me finishing highschool, my strength had totally disappeared and my conscious took over, having me to be soft and nice. That's why I'm in this decent apartment with my b-.

"WAAAAAAA!!!" Speaking of my son Jay, I gotta go get his 3am bottle.

I crawl out of bed running to Jay's nursery, I open the door softly seeing my poor Jay bawling his blue eyes out. I tiptoe to his crib and scoop him up in my arms, Patting his back for him to calm down. I walk out of his nursery closing the door and heading to the kitchen. As we got to the microwave I snatched the prepped but cold bottle and placed it in the heatable device. In the mean time, I cradled Jay in my arms kissing his head and shushing him to calm down.


I smiled as I took the warm bottle into my hand and tapped it on my wrist to test the temperature. It was warm enough so I hold it to Jay's mouth, he stopped his tears and let the teet into his mouth. He closed his eyes enjoying the warm milk, I took a long sigh and headed to my black couch, I plopped myself at the end of the sofa and started to stroke his hair. After a few minutes he drank the whole bottle so I placed it on the wooden coffee table.

"It's time for bed little one"I chirped as I burped him and took him back to his nursery.

I layed the blanket on top of him and saw his little smile, it warmed my heart. I smiled back and kissed him goodnight, he was so adorable. I decided that I should go and watch some TV since it takes a long time to fall asleep when I just pampered the baby, he 6 months old and he's a handful. I headed to the couch and grabbed the remote, putting on the news.

Three people found dead near Nixon Rd. On West Virginia, there heads decapitated. Now with jerred for our weather broadcast.

My heart almost sank to the floor, that's where we lived. It's horrifying to know that a brutal murder happened right where you go to bed, eat food, your comfort place. I turned off the TV, I had enough of the news. When I was young, when those things happened, I would laugh my ass off thinking they were idiots for dying so easily. But now, it brings me sadness that there loves ended even if they were bad or not, no matter how bad someone is, they don't deserve death.


My phone rang suddenly, it was a notification. I quickly picked up my phone and saw that it was a text notification. It said

Hello Nicky, long time no text, haha

I text back uhm, who are you?

Just an old victim of yours~

What are you talking about?

It's me, Liam.

My eyes grew wide, I know who Liam is, he was a boy I used to bully when I was at highschool, I still regret it to this day.

Liam, I'm sorry, it wasn't right for me to do that when we were kids, how did you get this phone number anyway?

It's okay, I forgave you a long time agoand I hacked your phone.

My eyes grew wider and I threw the phone at the other end of the sofa in shock, hot tears pricking at the side of my eyes, this is fucked up. Finally when I see the guy that I wanted to apologize to for so long, he turns out as a damn hacker, what the hell?!


My phone rang as it started to move from the buzzing, who could that be? I pick up the phone and my blood ran cold, it sounded like hitched breathing from the other side..

"W-who is this?" My breathing heavy and butterflies in my stomach.

"You'll find out soon my Nicky, soon I will get you and take you as my love, along with your son Jay as well, is that what you actually named him, that's so adorable, you have good names, his last name will soon be Jay Jones, it suits him, go to sleep my little Nicky, you'll need it by next week." His voice sounded deep and bruding, like those rich men in romantic movies.

He hanged up the call before I could speak, what the fuck?! Was that Liam? I heard laughing in Jay's room like as if I just stuck out my tongue, I ran to his nursery and saw him reaching his hands out like someone was there. I swooped him up in my arms and cradled him back to sleep. Whats gonna happen to me, what did that guy mean? Guess ill have to wait next week.

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