Chapter Twenty Seven - Stutter

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Who now? I asked myself as I stare at the strange woman grinning at me. 

"I-I'm sorry lady, I don't know who you are." I stutter as I look at her mortified, I still couldn't believe she had killed my father. I was suppose to feel relieved right? 

Then why was I feeling more scared then ever?

She rolled her eyes as she slightly backed away, folding her hands over each other. "It's better that way doll." She had said as she glance at the dead man in the chair.

"Why did you kill him?" I asked, I had thought that they were partners. Yet I didn't know what she would get out of killing me other then a good praise from him.

"It's simple. He was in my way." She said seriously. She went closer to him, stroking his face with the back of her hand. Whispering something in Latin? I guessed.

"If he was in your way, then why not kill him sooner?" I asked again as I slowly made my way towards the door. I was fast yes, but I don't know what kind of magic she would do to stop me.

Her head snapped towards me, her hair flipping as her head jerked quickly. Her eyes had turned a dark shade of red and she was now walking towards me. Her red heels clicked and clapped against the cement floor.

"I did." She answer as she stopped a few feet away from me. 

I was now confused and wondered when she had killed him. I mean by the looks of his body he did die a few weeks ago. Which was impossible because I saw him a couple of days ago.

"I don't understand, he talked, his finger-"

"Magic sweetheart" She interrupted but turned back to him, walking in circles around the chair.

"I don't get it. I saw him a few days ago..." I trailed off, staring at the back of his head.

"You have seen him your whole life doll." She paused as she stopped walking and glanced at me again. I didn't understand her, the way she talked and said things was so confusing.

"I killed him years ago." She finally said. I felt my heart beat increase, my palms began to sweat and my head turned dizzy. If she had killed him years ago that would mean that she was the person who wanted me dead, not him.

"But then, how did he talk, how did he move?" I asked as panic shot through my whole body. I was stealing glances at the door. I knew I couldn't run because she was to smart to allow me to get away. I just hoped someone would come and find me, quick.

"Silly girl. Must I explain everything?" I didn't answer her frustrated reply which gave her her answer.

"When I was a little child I would practice the art of puppet magic. I loved watching them dance and talk on their own, like they were my friends. I was a strong witch even for my age. But as I grew up my powers got weaker, it was like I was doing the same thing everyday. So I did a spell. One that changed me completely. It was called the spell of Solace it turned me into a monster, that's what my mother said." Her voice got soft as she stared at the floor. a Smile formed on her cherry red lips and she gazed back up at me. "I took care of her" 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2020 ⏰

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