HIS NAME (TodoBaku)

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 "Shouto!" Annoyed.

"OI! Idiot! Shouto!" Concerned.

"What's wrong with you Shouto!?" Frustrated.

"Shouto?" Worried.

Todoroki stands still staring at Bakugo as if he grew two heads, he's starting to think if maybe making his hero name the same as his own name was a good idea since he seems to freeze still when Bakugo says his name.

Bakugo the cause of his dilemma at the moment, raised an eyebrow, "Oi! Earth to Shouto?" he waves his hand around Todoroki's face, "Shouto?" Bakugo calls out once more but more gentler than the other times he's called Todoroki.

That was all it took for Todoroki's left side to burst into flames.

"AhhH!!! OI!! WHAT THE F@*k!!!??" Bakugo backs away and blocks himself with his arms, when Todoroki realized what just happened, he quickly cools the surrounding with his right side, he rushes to Bakugou's sides and checks for burns, "Are you OK Bak- I mean- Ground Zero?" He asks concern filled in his voice.

At his question, Bakuogu looks at him with the typical scowl, "OK?! You just lit yourself in fire! What the f@*k's wrong with you!?" Bakugo yells completely pissed off, "Sorry. You just calling my name feels... weird." Todoroki apologises while holding Bakugo's arms to check for burns.

"Huh? Weird? Well if you think it's weird, you shouldn't have made your hero name 'Shouto' stupid." Bakugou rolls his eyes at Todoroki but all Todoroki could think of at the moment is Bakugou saying his name.

This was all thanks to their class activity, where they must call their fellow classmates not by their names but by their hero names they chose, the whole day. Todoroki was fine being called 'Shouto' by his other classmates but when he and Bakugo were at the sparring grounds alone and he heard Bakugou call out his name, he froze midair as he was about to attack Bakugo from above causing him to fall face flat to the floor.

Naturally Todoroki was confused about his emotions. "Um, Ba- Ground Zero, can you say my name again..." He requested locking eyes with a confused Bakugo while holding Bakugo's hands after he confirmed that the blonde had no burns.

Bakugo whose face turned a similar color to his eyes, bares his teeth trying to look intimidating "Huh?! Did you hit your head falling down or something?" He tries to free his hands but his hands were kept in place by Todoroki's strangely strong grip.

Todoroki takes a step closer to Bakugo looking taller than usual in Bakugo's eyes, their hands now resting in the middle of their chests, Bakugo could feel how hot Todoroki's left hand felt in his hand but the right side luckily prevented it from burning his hand.

He gulped, not used to being this close to Todoroki, "Please." He hears Todoroki whisper staring deeply in his eyes as if he were about to share an intimate secret, Bakugo nearly explodes himself but he kept cool even though his face at this point is just as red as the chilli pepper he uses for cooking, "Shouto..." He whispers back more docile and sensual than he'd like.

The grip on Bakugo's hands suddenly loosen but he didn't feel like escaping. The two stared into each other's eyes unaware of what they were feeling and the only sound they could hear was their breathing as well as their thumping chest.

"AH! Shouto! Your nose!" Bakugou suddenly gasps in horror, Todoroki blinks and notices how he felt liquid coming out of his nose, "Nosebleed?" He mumbles trying to wipe the blood from his face, "What are you doing ah! Pinch your nose! Pinch your nose and tilt your head forward idiot aahhH!!" Bakugou instructs panicking himself.

Todoroki, who felt extremely happy knowing Bakugo's panicking because he's worried for him, felt lightheaded and could care less about his nosebleed.

If he knew back then that all he needed to be happy was to hear Bakugo say his name, he would've asked the blonde to do so since long ago.


Word count: 672

Sorry if the shot is a bit shorter than my usual writing (if you read my non-oneshot books you'll know what i'm talking about), again this is just meant for exercising my writing skills so it's not that serious hhahaa, I hope you enjoyed <3

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