You're watching me while i'm watching them?

21 1 3

Puddin, puddin. Oh how you pondered what to put on, switching to find what clothes fit you for you but everything looks perfect on you. The way that dress squeezes your waist perfect and your blue eyes shine in the light, the way your red hair dances in the sun. You're so pretty and pretty things are mine.

Fiddling with the keys, Alex finally twists open the doornob, slamming the door open. He walks inside his warm, cozy house, it has been a while since he had even entered his own household. Alex closed the door after he entered the house, It had been a long day for the boy and he was tired from running around back and fourth. Alex had stripped off his clothing as soon as he reached the bathroom, ready to soak in warm water that would unravel his stress.

"A bath, again?" The voice questioned, it was feminine. What the fuck? Alex turns around to see the figure. It was only Milk, her white stripes of hair and brown. Blue eyes darting at Alex. "Jesus, I hate when you do that. This is the 6th time." He pauses, taking another good look at Milk, finally noticing her dark clothing is stained with blood. "Your clothes are bloody, how the fuck did you even make it in here without you getting caught?" Alex questioned how she had always done it flawlessly, especially without getting caught. Usually he had to depose of the clothing, including the evidence to make sure he would not get caught. His eyebrows jumped in confusion as his stone, cold eyes looked her up and down.

"You learn from the best," the girl proceeded to take her long hair out of a ponytail, that was also stained with blood. "Also you should cover up, I don't wanna see your dick." Milk snorted as Alex immediately wrapped the curtain around him like a dress. "Okay, get out. I don't care what you do, just leave so I can take my bath." He waved, hoping she would get the message. Milk nodded, exiting the room, shutting door as she made her way out.

Alex turned the knob that controlled the water from the shower and tub together on, he put a sock inside the tub that prevents the little hole from preventing the water from getting sucked because broke yet rich bitch hours.
Those minutes felt like hours as he waited for the bath to fill up, who knew that baths took forever? Once the water was fully filled up, he turned the handle that stopped the water from pouring down in the tub. Alex brushes his feet in the hot water, he sinks in the water, letting the water fill his tub up as he finally sinks his whole body in the water.

It was nice to be alone and have his alone time in his house,, partially at least despite Milk being there to harass the bullshit out of him. (? I THINK it's the right word) although he was in a bath, he still didn't feel relaxed, Maybe it was time to touch himself again and just continue off with his day, it's not like anyone would know.

His face beat red as he sat up in the tub, Alex is touching his dick, his thumb touching the head and making his way down, oh fuck that was the right spot. a high pitch moan tears out of his throat as he repeats the same action, chasing after that sweet release of an orgasm. Quiet panting and moaning quietly fills the empty room. Suddenly, the door slams open. "Hey Alex have you seen-"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 16, 2020 ⏰

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