UT Mob: losing control

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A/N: i decided that making POV's are kinda hard for me and im kinda lazy do do them so i'm not going to do POV's anymore


you feel like your losing control and couldn't control yourself, once you lost control of yourself you grabbed a knife from the kitchen and waited till sans and papyrus got back since they went out shopping. But when they came back sans was the first one to enter and started to talk to you when you couldn't control yourself.

"back from shopping, kid? huh? you ignoring me, got something fun there?"

you turned around and tried stabbing sans but it went through his skeleton hand and he threw you the other way.

"...kid...?" he questioned you while holding the part of his hand where you stabbed him

you picked yourself up and looked at him coldly, you pinned him down and tried stabbing him again but he was holding your knife in your hand, the knife you were holding inches away from his chest

" your much stronger than you look kid...why don't we put the knife down?"  he felt his heartbeat and papyrus had came in with a box of pasta in his hands.


you turned ro see papyrus, but while you got distracted sans turned you around and pinned you down, holding your hands behind your back, dropping the knife in your hand during the process


"it's not- listen, the kid is not herself, bro quick get me a rope, hurry!"

you were struggling under sans weight, trying to break free, papyrus looked shocked and felt guilty of how sans was holding you, papyrus pushed sans aside and hugged you


you bit on papyrus shoulder bone and he flinched at the pain but still held you close

"its alright, little pup... your just scared right... you're just having a nightmare..."

papyrus was talking in his soft voice instead of his loud voice, you  were coming back in control and starting to loose consciousness  while papyrus was hugging you

"there's nothing to be afraid of... a good hug  will help soothe you."






"you are not alone little pup... you have us."

before passing out you managed to say..

"i'm sorry..."

then you passed out


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