Chapter 12 (Percy)

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I’m getting tired of informing you of short chapters. It's obvious.

And also I've noticed how slow this book is. Yes, many Wattpad authors get to the action far too quickly by skipping all the details. And now I have a plan! I got a big piece of paper and mind mapped until 2 AM. So the future has been set! *evil smile*


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● ○ ● PERCY #12 ● ○ ●

In the darkness, the air had a physical presence. I  noticed how much resistance it put up when I tried to move. I can almost think its Zeus' way of getting back at me for 'stealing' his glorified Taser.

My blood slugged through my body, and my eyes were glued shut.

Cold hands brushed my neck making me shiver. What was going on?  Who is this? Where is Annabeth?

Panic seized me. What if a monster attacked her while I was unconscious? What if the hands around my neck are Thomas'?  Was he getting his revenge? Quite fitting actually, due to the fact Annabeth painted his neck purple.

I concentrated on my muscles, to make them move, to make them act.

My bones quivered as a cold prick entered my neck.

I could feel its icy liquid seeping through my veins, straining through my capillaries.

I only became aware I was moving when my arm lashed out as if possessed. My body shuddered so much that my skin hardly touched the mattress (a mattress? I realized with confusion. How the hell did I get into a 5 star hotel?).

My limbs thrashed and twisted as my blood was replaced with gasoline, and my heart was an inferno, setting my muscles on fire. I vaguely wondered if this was how Leo felt every time he 'flamed on' -ed.

My eyelids rubbed harshly against my green eyes as I blinked rapidly. The light was far too bright and it scraped my irises. I squeezed my eyes closed.

The darkness behind my eyes was replaced by images of battles, monsters and death. Where have the happy memories gone? I wondered darkly.

I saw remnants of my mother floating in the air like fireflies when she was captured by the Minotaur. I saw Zoe drenching the grass with her blood as she died. I flinched from the explosion of the machine that contained and consumed Bianca. I saw Luke's weary acceptance as he committed his noble suicide/murder/sacrifice. I saw the face of Gaia towering over the ruins of Camp Half Blood. I saw the terrible look of faith on Bob's face before he was gone forever.

I felt hot tears streaking my face as I vividly relived in the space of minutes all of the many tragedies and losses I had experienced since my arrival at Camp Half-Blood so many years ago.  And I screamed.

And screamed.

And screamed.

And screamed.


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BOOK: Artemis Fowl by Eion Colfer - When I say 'Artemis', I don't mean the boy-skinning, bow-wielding lady. I'm referring to the Irish 12 year old criminal mastermind who kidnapped a female police officer called Holly. Now Holly was a... fairy. Yes, a fairy that live underground far beneath even the deepest mine with their superior technology. And Artemis' motive? Money from the fairies to pay the ransom for his missing father. Now authors try to make their characters "smart"-but they are just as stupid as the rest. But Artemis is smart, and the proof is that time after time he formulates genius plans and the fact he could fly a plane solo since he was in his booster seat. So he's super intelligent and this series? Art. -emis *wink*


Jamie Edge

○ PUBLISHED: 13 December 2013 ○

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