Chapter 3 - Harmony

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Black and white fur moved past my face as Buddy decided to give me some love. I was laying on the plush rug next to my bed, scrolling through my phone when I was attacked by the lump of fur that was my service dog.

"Buddy!" I laughed as his tongue licked my face. I attempted to sit up, only to have him lie down on my lap. The Australian Shepard was about as big as me, which made things difficult.

"Harm? Where are you? Joel suggested we should go out for dinner to celebrate your first day tomorrow," my brother called from the hallway. Weird that we were going to go out. It's quite an adventure to go anywhere with me.

Will peaked his head into the doorway. "There you are," He said, smiling at Buddy squishing me. "Where do you want to go for dinner?"

Buddy got off my lap to greet Will, sniffing and wagging his tail.

"Can we go to Chevy's?" I asked, "I get if it's too expensive..."

He shook his head, interrupting me. "Not too expensive , we can go wherever. Not like you eat a lot anyways; the one meal with provide like three for you," he teased. "It's wherever you want to go. Are you okay with the car ride?"

"Yeah, it's only half an hour, right?" I pulled my purple wheelchair toward me and transferred back into it. Buddy trotted over, seeing if he could help, so I gave him a pat.

"Yep," Joel's voice said, as his head showed up on Will's shoulder. The brown haired boy hugged his boyfriend from behind, leaving Will kind of flustered. "We should leave soon though if we're going to miss rush hour and all that. Ready?" He asked, looking up at me.

I nodded. "Yeah, I'll potty Buddy on the way out and we can leave."

Any outing in our house was an adventure, because of me. Truthfully, I was a burden to my brother and Joel. They never said it, but I knew. After I got in and got Buddy settled next to me or under my feet, Will took my wheelchair, folded it down, and put it in the back. Joel wanted to drive, so Will took passenger seat.

The drive was easy, but a little long. I had earbuds in the whole time, listening to music and petting Buddy as Joel and Will bantered. I watched trees, buildings, and other cars sped by us, thinking about school tomorrow. School wasn't easy for me. I struggled to make friends and teachers often assumed I was stupid because I'm in a wheelchair. School was exhausting and took up all of my mental and physical energy. I hated it, but I had no other choice.

My mind drifted off with the boredom of the car.

Pain rushed through every part of me, but I was still alive and awake. Will saw me alive, then went straight over to June. I couldn't turn my head, but I could hear each compression. I tried to block them out. Nothing worked.

James was right over me, Joel right past my legs on the phone. The speaking seemed as it was drowned in water.

"You'll be okay, Harm," James' voice came out of a void. "The ambulance will be here really soon."

Joel kneeled next to me, "Where is the pain?"

"Everywhere." The word was heavy. I had no way to describe this.

He repeated the words into the phone. "Are you numb anywhere?"

"My legs," my voice was shaky as I struggled to hold it together, "and part of my torso."


"About my belly button down."

The next thing I know I was being loaded into an ambulance on a gurney. They were asking questions, but I couldn't make them out.

"What's your name, sweetie?" A woman asked. Doors closed. Sirens yelled. People were prodding me.

"Harmony Ann Lars,". I answered lazily.

The woman rubbed my hand, "It's going to be okay, Harmony. I just need to you to hang on."

A blonde boy came into view, looking worried. "Oh Harm." A familiar voice said.

"Do you know him?" The paramedic woman asked. My cloudy eyes focused on to the guy. "Oh, yeah. That's my brother."

"Can you tell me his name?"

"Will; Will Louis Lars."

"Good. Just hold on, okay Harmony?"

Pokes. Needles. Flashlights. Pulling. Something kept me from moving my head. Will kept talking to me, rubbing my hand. No emotions were there, no pain. Just clouds.

"Harm?" Joel called me back. "We're here."

I rubbed my eyes, letting them focus on the surroundings. "Oh yeah, sorry. Driftin off into space."

We had pulled into a disabled parking space in front of the restaurant. Will had already put my wheelchair together and set it near my door and was working on getting Buddy out. I heard the jingle of his collar as I gripped Joel's hand to lower myself into my chair. Buddy appeared next to me, wagging his tail. He loves going out with me, and I love seeing him all excited, it made my day.

"Ready?" Will asked as I clipped Buddy's leash to my chair. I nodded. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2020 ⏰

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