Chapter Two ~ Loneliness *Jasper*

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Running his hand through his short, jet black hair, Jasper sighed in annoyance, as he tried to figure out the list for the Winter Ball, the kingdom held every Winter Solstice, being the Winter realm after all. Ice covered every inch of the castle he called home, snaking frosty patterns all along the high stone walls. Sheets of ice covered every window, and snow capped every availible surface, blanketing the castle in white.

The entirety of the Winter Seele's kingdom was covered in ice, or snow. The Seele that aswell, called this home, were all Ice masters, or Snow Stormer's. Each with their own strength in those elements.

Being a prince of the Winter realm meant that he had gotten his powers as soon as he came of age. 21, was when elves stopped aging. Their features define, they gain their powers, and strength, and the tie begins to form.

A Tie, is a bond that's formed between two faeries, when they come of age. If by chance, they happen to meet before coming of age the bond forms instantly, drawing those two together, no matter how far the other goes. The Fae are bonded for life, as one is not complete without the other.

Jasper slammed the list book shut, finally admitting defeat as he had looked over more than 1200 names, and sent out just as many invitations. Oh, the life of a prince.

Just as he stood up, and stretched his arms above his head, hearing the familiar cracks as he did, a knock came from outside his door.

Striding over to the door, Jasper opened it, expecting to see one of his friend but instead it was his best friend, Jake.

Jake was tall, with board shoulders and golden hair he kept longer to frame his face. His olive skin, and bright green eyes complimented the fact that he was a Spring Fae. He was wearing a green polo shirt, that made his eyes stand out and a playful smirk, that was always displayed on his face. All Fae were perfect looking, with elven features, and high cheek bones. Although, Spring Fae seemed to always have a fresh, dewwy look about them and sparkled with life, where as Winter Fae were dark and gave off a mysterious hue. Summer Fae gleamed like the sun, and Autumn Fae radiated colors of the sunset. Each captivating in their own way.

"No, of course, Jake. Come right in." Jasper huffed, looking his friend up and down.

Jake just laughed at his friends reaction, slumping down on the chair beside his friends desk.

"Yes well, I missed you that's all. I assumed no formalities were needed, or are you still a stick in the mud?" Jake beamed.

Shaking his head at his friend, Jasper sat down on his bed, facing Jake.

" Charming as usual, Young Spring Seele. It has been a while, I assume you are well seeing as you showed up fine? " He asked.

" Yes, I am doing just fine. I just, well. I've been remembering more of that night. " Jake stumbled over his words, his normal composure faltering.

Jaspers heart stopped, for what he felt like was too long. Or maybe that was his heart breaking. He could remember her smell. Her eyes. The way her smile gleamed in the moonlight, and that white dress framed her body, tumbling down her legs like a water fall. They were so young. His fingers turned white as he gripped the bed frame.

Finally he was able to mumble, "Can you remember anything more?" His voice cracking with desperate hope.

"I remember.. I remember running.. We were running from something. Someone. D, she told me to wait. Wait in the fallen log, she said she could handle it. I remember peering out from the log, watching her run ahead. She was making noise.. I.. I remember they opened a portal. Then they were gone. " Jake stammered, trying to remember his dream.

" What.. So she's anywhere out there?! And I have no way of finding her because of a damn portal?!" Jasper voice started to raise in anger, his eyes flashing black, and a dark hue spilled from his fingers, freezing everything it touched.

" Jasper.. I know what type of portal that was.. I saw something on the other side. " Jake slowly told his friend, now up from the chair and trying to voice the black mist.

Jasper hissed through his clenched teeth, "Where is she, Jake?"

Jake sighed, and looked at his friend once more.

" The mortal Realm. " he answered.

Oh of course, Jake thought. A bitter sadness filling his body. He knew that he had no leads, no status, and no help in the mortal realm.


Fire, and ice. Fire, and ice. Two small child Fae, skipped through the trees after each other. Their small hands touching every leaf, bush, and tree trunk they could reach as they darted in between the growth that littered the forest floor. One child, fair as snow. The other, like a beam of sunshine. Their laughter reaching the night as they entered an open field, the boy pulling the girl close before tumbling them to the ground, making sure she was okay as he held her tight and kissed her cheek.

"So warm.. The sun truly did bless you with her spirit, my darling." The boy whispered in the girls ear, pulling her closer as he twirled his hand above their head, soft flurries of snowflakes fell, covering both of them in a thin sheet of white, causing the girl to giggle in his arms.

"But you my love, are dark and handsome. You are my drug, Winter Prince. You are everything I Desire.. Fate brought two pieces of a broken puzzle together so we could fix the wrong doings of our elders.." Her voice trailed off into the night before a scream pierced the still night air.

There was a flash of light as both children's collarbones started to burn. In between them, red flames and icy fire danced and clashed together, as both children gasped and struggled against the pain, trying to get to one another through the fire, but they couldn't. Either from exhaustion or fear both children passed out, heads hitting the ground with a thud as the fire died.

Both children now bore scars of fate, and desire. One bound to darkness, the other light. But neither got the chance to tell the other, as after Jasper had woken up, she was gone. She went off with her brother, and she never came back.

End of flashback

But what if one side was stronger? Jasper wondered. What if, one completely took over the other, meaning no harmony, no peace. Nothing but destruction.

Light didn't always mean good will. Light can burn. Light comes from fire. The Summer Realm was hot. Barren. Without peace between all four realms, the seasons never changed. Food was hard to find as nothing grew. The Winter realm could hunt. As well as the other seasons, but there was nothing in the desert. Most were Rouge Fae, who slipped in and out of other realms to hunt and gather food, steal, and murder anyone who tried to stop them. They were unruly, and harsh. They did whatever they needed to, to survive, but it wasn't always like this. With all four seasons, the Realms could harvest food. Control weather patterns. Make for a perfect way of life.

Centuries ago, it was like that. All Realms worked as one. Then the war came, when a Rouge Winter Fae, attacked the Princess of the Summer Realm, freezing her, then watching her shatter into a million pieces right there in the throne room, in front of the King, Queen, and their two sons, the Princes of the Summer realm. Despite it being a rouge, out of anger for the loss of his daughter in such a brutal way, he raged war on the Winter Realm. Spring, and Autumn opted for no alliances, but that meant the stop of the seasons anyway, as summer and winter were equally key parts.

"Pack, you have twenty minutes Jake. We're going to find her this time. And stay out of sight, the last thing I need is anyone spotting a Summer Fae in here. I was going to find her. And we were going to set things right.

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⏰ Última atualização: Feb 19, 2020 ⏰

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