The science and Philosophy of consciousness

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Immortality is possible in an easy way. The main effort of life is to avoid death. The very fact that everyone wants to be immortal proves that everyone is immortal. It is also a fact that everyone dies,for one who is born must die. What is death? Death is that big change which is irreversible and which discountinues our normal Consciousness of being or existing. We are simultaneously continuous in one way and discontinuous in another way. We are eternal in one way and ephemeral in another way,both existing simultaneously. Every aware person has heard of the soul being eternal and every realized person has experienced the eternity of the soul. Skeptics do not acknowledge the existence of the soul-they only experience the ephemeral world and do not want to hear the logic of the knowledgeable or try the experiment of yogis.
First,we should look over the logic. The ephemeral world exists so long as the phenomenon of union and division exist.
The phenomena of union and division are possible only when a line, practically or theoretically,exists. A line is made up of innumerable points. For any fusion or fission to happen, the existence of an entity of a dimension of at least the smallest imaginable point or biggest imaginable line is necessary. Any entity beyond these two ranges would be eternal-as they would neither unite nor divide. This state of existence is called super-consciousness and it is beyond material world. Consider any ephemeral object and start dividing it theoretically,a state would reach when you cannot imagine it dividing further because it becomes so small that you cannot even imagine its dimension, location or existence, even though in your deep Consciousness you know it exists;thus every mortal object in its seed state is immortal. Now, similarly consider any object and start uniting it with all the possible object theoretically,a state will come when you can not imagine uniting it with the vast objects left behind to be united, the line of union becomes so big that you cannot think of its length. The existence left behind in your imagination is unimaginable and endless and beyond the phenomenon of union and division. This state of existence is called cosmic consciousness and is eternal. Thus every mortal object in its flourishing state also is immortal. This is why the so-called mortal object can not be destroyed to zero. All the objects remain immortal as far as its existence'of being' is concerned.

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