One. (I'm probably not writing more.)

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"Try me," Mika hissed as the taller man pushed him to the wall. All around he could hear the sounds of screaming and pandemonium. This was definitely not going well.

"You know where it is," the dark haired man said clenching his leather fist. Mika found it harder to breathe. The man sounded so sure, it wasn't a question. Mika wanted to spit something back but he couldn't so he settled for spitting on Mr. I'm causing chaos in a leather pants because I am willing to sweat to make my ass look good.

The man steps back and wiped the spit glob along with smearing some blood around his face. The light danced around the brick walls and soaked cobble. If it wasn't so hard to breathe with black spots dancing in his vision he could have very much enjoyed the view, both views. But it was getting more difficult to breathe and see. Why was this happening to him? What did Mika do? Sure he could be a bit of an ass but did he deserve to be force choked to death in an alleyway?

Gagging gasps sounded more and more in the alley and it took a moment for Mika to realize it was his. Tall, dark, and vaguely homicidal was talking to him but he really wasn't paying him any attention which just made doctor dead inside more angry. Mika should have paid attention in the beginning but trying to figure out what he was talking about in the middle felt impossible.

"I know you know," the nerf herder said leaning in close. He relaxed his fist and Mika fell. His body felt stiff but loose, like he had been standing in maple syrup.

"Know... what?" Mika staggered to his feet trying to regain dignity. The stranger grabbed him by the collar. The angry emo stared at Mika and Mika stared back. "I don't know what you are talking about," he said standing up to full height.

All five foot eight inches did not seem to phase Sir Over Six Feet. Mika stared into the cold, empty, glass frames of the helmet and did his best to see within, no luck. Mika watched and the man stared back, probably, with his hands still gripping Mika's collar tight. It was a long moment of both breathing and ignoring the sounds of the city being ransacked.

"I don't believe you," stoic bastard said with as much emotion as a shard of black stained glass. Mika knew he should be feeling threatened but today had already been such a crappy day this might as well happen. Having his ass handed to him in an alleyway with a emo Jedi dude wouldn't be the worst things to happen today, which is sad. He was a sad person.

Mika felt the leather gloves leave his collar and relaxed slightly but refused to break eye contact. He saw the man's hand pull up in his peripheral vision. Probably should have been a warning sign. Leather gloves, why do much leather? At least three cows had to die for his outfit. Poor cows.

Why did he? What was going on? The brunette felt as if his mind was disconnected. Like cotton balls pressing in his mind. His body was feeling something too, an experience he hadn't felt in a long time. Force control.

He probably should have seen this coming, emo Jedi, the force, mind reading, all synonyms really. Mika took a deep breath and closed his eyes. Not today Mr cow slayer if Mika had anything to say about it. Ben was strong but Mika had practice. Ben, this man's name was Ben.

Then a sharp pain to the top of his head. Mika opened his walnut eyes to see Ben with a T shaped metal thing in his hands. Did he just hit him over the head with that? Mika decided on the proper response of sarcastic betrayal, "Ow..."

The response he got was another wack over the head and the embrace of oblivion.

The lovely scent of clean metal and complete order welcomed Mika as he woke up. The lovely masked face of Vader the teen years also met him. Mika burst out laughing.

All My Stars (Star Wars)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora