Harry Potter and the sorcerer stone

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It was a dark, wet night when the older man in a dark blue cloak walked down Privet Drive. He walked by a cat sitting soumdlessly on the side walk. He reached the end of the road and pulled out a strange lighter. He began removing all the lights, once he was done with that a black cat sitting at the corner of the sidewalk started meowing.

"I should have known you will be here Professor McGonagall" the older man said.

The cat started shifting into a human. "Good evening Professor Dumbledor." The woman name McGonagall said while going towards the man. "Are the rumors true Albus?"

"Im afraid so professor the good and the bad." Albus said.

"And the twins?" Professor McGonagall asked once again

"Hagrid is bringing them" Albus said

"Do you think it wise to trust Hagrid with something as important as this" Professor Mcgonagall asked

"Ahh professor i would trust Hagrid with my life" Albus stated simply

At that time both Albus and Professor Mcgonagall heard a roaring of an engine and looked up and saw a single light blaring through the night sky. Skidding to a stop in front of Albus and Professor Mcgonagall.

"Professor Dumbledore, sir. Professor Mcgonagall." Hagrid said lifting off his goggles.

"No problems i trust Hagrid" Albus asked

"No sir. The little tykes felled asleep just as we were flying over Bristol." Hagrid said walking over to Albus and Mcgonagall."Try not to wake them. There you go" Handing Albus two babies.

"Albus are you sure you want to leave them with these people. I watched them all day. They are the worst sort of muggles imaginable. The really are...."

"The only family they have left"Albus interrupted Mcgonagall

"These children will be famous. There wont be a child in our world who doesnt know their names" Mcgonagall said.

"Exactly. They will be safer growing up away from all that. Until they are ready." Albus explain.

Setting the babies on the ground. He got up hearing sniffles."there there hagrid its not really goodbye" bending down once more Albus placed a letter across the babies chest. "Good luck Harry and Lyra Potter" he said.

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