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* So you were with the wolf's  helping the other  sick werewolf's , until you saw zed come in * 

Zed : they were wrong to destroy Seabrook power , and I was wrong about werewolf's , you have every right to fight for how you are 

Wyatt : yeah but what are we now zombie 

Zed : your fierce , proud werewolf's 

Willa: yeah , they were monsters 

Zed : we are monsters * then he smiled * 

* then you smiled * 

Wyatt : what 

Zed : we are going to prawn 

You : but we cant 

Zed : yes we can , were monsters they can't control how we are 

You : your right 

3 hours later 

* your walking hand in hand with your new boyfriend  beta , and your pack *

Bucky : it's zombies 

Jacey : and werewolf's 

Tracey : in formal wear 

Lacey : they look good 

Bucky: you guys can't be here there's laws against this  

Zed : bad laws are meant to be broken 

Eliza : and monsters don't follow the rules * her and zed high five each other * 

Eliza : zombies are apart of Seabrook Bucky , we deserve to be here 

Wyatt : were apart of Seabrook to , the originals in fact 

* Bucky looks at the alarm * 

Bucky : someone got to stop you 

* You straight to Bucky and growled at him * 

Bucky : y/n , is that you 

You : and not afraid to bit you Bucky 

Bucky : welcome to prawn * he left * 

* you started to cough so Wyatt comfort you , and all the werewolf's and zombies walked in a ll sad because it will be there last , and only time at prom , before they go , Wyatt , putting his hands to your cheek * 

Wyatt : if this going to be our last time on earth , I might as well do this 

* he kissed you on your lips * 

*then the ground shock , and everyone ran to the hallway , and there was a huge crack , and it was shaking the school , which almost made you fall in , until your boyfriend Wyatt could you * 

Zed : the energy form the moon stone must have created a vast light , if we follow the crack it may lead us to the moon stone 

Addison : so it only married and not destroyed * the school shock again * 

Wynter : we have to get to it 

Willa: quickly while we still can 

* Willa , when down first , then Wyatt  , how grabbed your hand while you went down there , then you grabbed Wynter arm , tenth rest of the wolfs came as well *

Willa : its this way , I see the light its coming from Seabrook power 

* you all follow Willa , until you reached the stone *

Willa : here its is * you all put your stones on the moon stone , and you all felt the powerful engird going through you , again * 

Willa : we have to move it out of  here 

Wyatt : the legends say that together our pack can move the stone 

You : alright , lift * you guys lift it * 

Wynter : its to heavy 

Willa : we don't have enough 

Addison : maybe you need to expand your pack 

You : Addison * you smiled that your sister came to help your pack , you almost shed a tear * 

Addison : we can do this come on we got this  , lift 

* as everyone lift , there a big rock blocking our way of the way out *

Wyatt : the chamber collapse , we can't carry the moon stone through 

Eliza : your z band its still broken , zed take it off lift the slap , ok zed you can do this 

Zed : I'm not ready , what if I can't control it 

Addison : Zed you have to 

* he looks around the room ,then takes his bracelet off , and turned into a zombie , and open the rock , and before he could hold it any longer he dropped it *

Addison : zed 

* he came back with his z band on , everyone cheered *

Addison : zed , are you ok * they hugged * 

Zed : yeah , I'm me * they hugged again * 

Wynter : we crushed it , we nailed it , we so rock , yes * she looked at Willa * , to much 

Willa : perfect , new did it 

Eliza : say brains 

Addison & Zed : brains * they smiled and she took the picture * 

Eliza : were getting our first zombie on the prawn wall of fame

* everyone howled *

Wyatt : hey , you said that perfectly 

Bree: Bonzo got a ear for languages 

* everyone laughs * 

* everyone went back to the prawn , with Wyatt , and you guys danced kissed , ate * 

You : baby commoner here 

Wyatt : yes beautiful 

* You gave him something , a neckless with you in it * 

You : I want you to have it , it will remind you of me, when ever apart from each other 

Wyatt : Always , if anytime you are in need , just howl baby * he grabbed you and hugged you * 

This is the dress you wear to prawn 

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Zombies 2 Wyatt X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now