Chapter 3

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        “You have to wear this necklace. This will protect you from danger.”

        “W-wait. Who are you?”

        “It is not important right now. They are waiting for you. Wake up.” That woman disappeared after she gave you a necklace. Your eyes wide opened when you felt someone shook your body. “Isabelle! Are you okay?” Harry ran next to you, holding your hand as he cared about you. Niall and Liam followed after him. “Yes, I-I’m okay.” Your head hurt a bit. ‘W-where is Zayn?’ your eyes were searching for him. The truth was you kinda hoping he will stay by your side and looked after you but he didn’t.

        “I’m here.” He gave his famous smirk while sat on the bed in the blink of an eye. You didn’t know where he came from. Feeling something in your hand, you looked at your palm. The necklace the woman gave you in your dream was actually in your possession. “What is that?” Niall asked and everyone in that room actually wanna asked the same thing.

        “I-I don’t know. I had a dream. A woman gave it to me and s-she said this necklace will protect me from d-danger. Where is Louis?”

        “He is resting in the next room. It looks like you two kinda have a connection.” You frowned. Why Liam said that?

        “He can feel your pain. When you collapsed this morning, it happened to him too.”

        “Louis is awake now.”


        Two days have passed since that incident but it still scared you out. “Miss Y/n, are you hungry? I have made something for you to eat.” You shook politely. You weren’t hungry, you just wanna enjoy this peaceful night. “May I ask something?” “Yes miss Y/n.” “Where is Zayn? Umm I mean Prince Zayn.” The old woman looked down before replied, “he’s upstairs, in his room and he didn’t want anyone to disturb him.” The serious expression on her face was placed with a small smile. “Oh thanks.” Walking upstairs, you got into your room. ‘I hope he’s alright.’ 

        You can’t sleep that night, kept changing your position on the bed. ‘Something wasn’t right.’ Slowly, you walked over to the door with the help of the dim light placed on the small table. You were standing in front of his room, a bit shocked after you heard sound of a broken glass. “Zayn! Zayn are you in there? It’s me Y/n.” hoping he will open the door, you just waited there. “Y/n, go away!” his voice didn’t scare you that night but it made you worried. “Zayn, are you okay? I won’t go away until you let me in. Please open the door.” the door opened, you carefully stepped in. His room was dark, only the moonlight shined in that room. “Zayn, are you okay?” Zayn was sitting on the bed, his back facing you. “Y/n, I’m sorry.” “For what?” you were puzzled. He suddenly shoved you to the wall, it hurts when your back hit them. Tears already made their ways out. Red eyes, fangs…he looked exactly like in your dream.


        “I can’t control it.”

        “Control what Zayn?”

        “The desire to have your blood, to taste it.” Your mouth went agape.

        “What a-are you?”

        “I’m a vampire Y/n.”  

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