New kids going to Auradon

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Mal:Who wants to go? You?

pick me, Mal! Pick me!
Person 2:Yeah, pick me, Mal!
Person 3:Pick me, Mal!
Pick me!
-Are you excited?
Evie:- Are you kidding?
I'm so excited.
I can't believe this day
has finally arrived.
I honestly wish
we could take you all with us
and some day, very soon,
maybe we can.
Mal:Yeah, we're gonna be back here
so many times.
You're going to be
so sick of us.
Evie:So sick of us.
Can I get a drum roll, please?
First, I would like to begin,
with the granddaughter
of Lady Tremaine,
daughter of Drizella,
- my sweet, sweet friend.
My Dizzy.

Carlos:Next, is son of Smee.
Come on, Squeaky.

Jay:And no way,
we're splitting up the twins,
so get over here, Squirmy,
come on.
- Congratulations!
- Bring it in, buddy!

Mal:And last,
but certainly not least,
we all picked this girl
because we all agreed
that she could use a little bit
of Fairy Godmother's
goodness class.
Give it on up
for Dr. Facilier's daughter,
- Celia.

Celia:- I'm back.

Jay:We'll be back for you guys,
next week, okay?
And so, pack your stuff,
your own stuff.

- Where are we going?
- We're going to...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2020 ⏰

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