Chapter 8

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My head throbbed along with the music pulsing loudly through the club. I scanned the crowd for Cara, my heartbeat picking up when she was no longer on the dance floor. Pushing myself through the group of sweating, gyrating bodies I made my way to the middle, still no sign of Cara.

What if one of these pigs grabbed her?

I had to stifle the rising anger that threatened to bubble over. Forcing myself to take deep breaths  I shoved away hands that tried to latch onto me, heading towards the bar. Once over at the bar, I jostled my way to the front waving slightly to get the Bartender's attention. His eyes flashed with some emotion too quick for me to identify then greeted me with a broad smile. That smile was enough to make your heart flutter and I shook the thought away abruptly. 

"You probably don't remember but have you seen my friend?" I shouted over the music, "She is like 5' 3", silver hair, baby blue eyes?"

"Sloth? Yes, I remember," His chuckle barely carrying to my ears as he nodded behind me.

I whipped my head around, my eyes landing on the lounge area and directly behind me I saw those silver locks draped over someone on one of the velvet couches. Relief flooded through me and I smiled at him gratefully.

"Thank you," I murmured and my lips pursed slightly before turning around, "Are you looking for any positions to fill?"

One of his thick eyebrows arched as he looked at me, "Come back around noon tomorrow."

I tossed a brief smile his way before I turned heading towards that silver head, which I could see was moving slightly just peeking above the backboard. Placing my hand firmly on one hip I coughed loudly. Cara whipped her head around to look at me her legs still straddled around the person under her. You can imagine my surprise when I saw the trellis of long black hair and pouty swollen red lips of the female beneath her. I couldn't help the arch of my brow and slightly opened mouth as I gazed at them in front of me. My shock shortly turning to a smirk on my lips.

Cara seemed to notice then that she was still on top of the female and she scurried off her lap quickly, a blush creeping onto her face.

"I can explain..." Cara rushed as I looked between her and the woman lazily.

"Care to introduce me to your hot little number?" I stated, letting my gaze wander up and down her figure.

Cara blanched in front of me, "Uh..we um..didn't really exchange names."

I looked between them, a small smirk playing on my lips as I extended a hand to the woman in front of me.

"I apologize for my friend's lack of manners, I am Maeve." I smiled as she grabbed my hand.

"Kat," She murmured as her eyes grazed over the length of my body. 

"I hope you enjoyed Cara?" My voice was like silk. 

I had to push down the dirty thoughts racing through my mind involving the two of them. Cara yanked my upper arm, her cheeks were blazing red. She scurried us away, heading towards the exit and damn near pulling my arm out of the socket while doing so. She only slowed down once we were out of the building heading towards the car.

"Are you crazy?" She shouted at me. 

I raised a gracefully plucked brow her way, "Excuse me? What happened to being completely straight?"

She stopped short of the SUV running a hand through her hair.

"I can't help that you made me curious." She muttered irritation audible in her tone.

"And?" I pressed. She looked at me as her mouth gaped.

"I was enjoying it." She huffed, a small white puff exiting her lips as she breathed. A small smirk tugged my lips and she glared at me. "This is your fault."

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