Jisung 1

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(that what jisung decided to wear btw)

Chapter  1

    The alarm blaring indicated that it was exactly 6:30am, giving just the right amount of time to get ready for classes.
    Sleepily grabbing the alarm clock, it was now thrown to the other side of the room.
    The room was now completely silent, giggling to myself as I peek at the now silent clock, I pushed my head deeper into the pillow as the covers were thrown over me, almost falling into the sweet pit of darkness a cute and bubbly boy rushes into the room.
    "SUNGIE SUNGIE SUNGIE, Lixie weady fo scool!" the boy squealed as he jumped on the bed.
   Felix was the same age as Jisung, but he always looked at him as a younger brother, given because the boy was almost always in little space.
    "oh Lixie baby, Sungie is too tired to go to school today, how bout we cuddle instead.'' I ask, with a sweet but raspy voice.
   "but but Channie hyung will be upset if Lixie no go scool" the younger pouted.
    "oh okay okay, Lixie can you help Chan hyung with your lunch so Sungie hyung can get dressed?" I sighed, throwing off my once source of warmth.
   He nodded cutely and skipped out the door. sighing to myself once again loudly, I get up and rummage through my limited amount of beaten up clothes.
    Throwing shirts left and right I decided to throw on a black shirt, black jeans and Chans old blackish grey jean jacket.
   Sitting back down on the broken bed as it creeks at every single movement, I take a look at the beaten up room.
   The windows had been broken in only to be covered with a ripped up beige blanket, the walls were all stained and broken, the only furniture that gave the room a meaning was the broken bed, a shattered mirror and a scratched up dresser.
    Sighing for the third time this morning, I headed downstairs to see a very giggly Felix and a very clumsy Chan.
    "What did you do now hyung?" a voice asks from behind me. I turned to see a very cute braces boy looking slightly confused and slightly annoyed.
    "well it's kind of a funny story," he nervously chuckles, " you see, I went to the garage to get you all chairs, but noticed we were short two so I ran to Hongjoongs house and ask and he gave me these ones and as I came in, mrs wally right here..." he says as he taps the one perfect wall in our house." knocked me over causing me to fall onto the chairs and breaking the legs...again"
    I Chuckle to myself, as the braces boys mouth shaped an 'O', then quickly ran up to his hyung.
    "well are you okay? any bruises or cuts?" the boy askes.
    "ah Jeonginnie, I'm okay, let's pack your lunch." he says as both Felix and Jeongin put what they want in their lunch.
    "oh oh SUNGIE HYUNG, CHANNIE STOLE YOU CHEESECAKE!" the Little one yelled in excitement. I turned towards Chan-Hyung and gave him a really hard stare. "So Chan-Hyung.." I started, but Felix cuts in.
"Channie said that he was going to replace it with more cheesecake then last time hehe."he giggles.
"oh really, hyung you didn't have to" I giggle to myself. "that was supposed to be a surprise for after but yes, yes I did." he chuckles as Felix giggles.  "well thank you, but let's eat so we can get to school okay!" I say as he is placing felix in his chair along with Jeongin.
    We ate quite quickly and now we were walking to school.
   "hyung why do you look so sad?" Jeongin asks.
   "Oh um, I haven't gotten to talk to my soulmate since I haven't found my pen yet." I say as a frown formed on my face.
   "oh, do you know their name?" I shook my head, you aren't really supposed to tell eachother your birth names or where you are or live.
   Basically with a soulmate there are rules.
Do not ask personal questions
Taking pictures is prohibited!
Fate will bring you two together.
  I didn't like that fact I couldn't know the person I should be in love with, but times at school I would feel this pain in my heart when I walked passed this one rich kid classroom.
   "will you ask the peson Sungie hyung?" Felix then asks.
   "we aren't allowed to do that Lixie baby, when you get the first note from your soulmate you will know." I say, lightly ruffling the younger hair.
    Usually you get in contact with your soulmate around 11 or 12 but sometimes if you are close you'll get it when you are near them.
    He nods then runs up to the polls of the gates to the school.
   "come on Jeonginnie, lets walk you to class." I say as taking both their hands.
    We made it to his classroom and dropped him off, with quite a few stares because our Jeongin was way too smart which meant he was in the higher level classes.
     Felix and I were in each other's classes only because I told them he needed to be with me or Jeongin, but because Jeongin isn't as strong as me he was placed in my classes.
    "Come on Lixie, we need to get to class, put your lunch in your locker okay!" I chant, pulling out his books and mine.
    We finally were in class, "Mrs Han and Mrs Lee please sit on the left where you are supposed to be." she says in disgust.
    Scoffing to myself I grabbed Felix's hand and pulled him to sit beside me.
    "Sungie hyung can I still be closer to you?" he asks as someone repeatedly kicked the back of his chair.
    "of course baby" pulling him closer to me the male still continued, This causing Lix to tear up, because he was scared.
    "Look can you please stop kicking his chair, he doesn't like that." I sneered, hope hinted in my eyes but the male continued.
     "why would I, he's just another fake." the male says with A sly grin on his face. Felix curled into Jisung, quietly sobbing into his jacket.
     "Look I'm trying to be nice, here, but if you don't stop hitting his chair, we" pointing back and forth between him and I, " will have great problems, now stop!" I say with more hint of anger.
    "I don't think I want to." he says cause Lix to cry into Jisung more.
   "okay I had enough." I say standing up.

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