flower arrangements

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Draco sat by the gilded fireplace of his private drawing rooms watching the flames dance and sparkle of different colors while sipping on the warm rose tea his elf prune had made him in the late afternoon .

The wind was strong and cold outside.it was early December but the snow had already covered almost all of the family grounds and his father had even moved the peacocks into a warmer area whithin the manor.

He watched as the snowflakes swirled around the trees outside and listened to the wood softly tapping against the windows .waltzing to the piano melody that was traveling the warm corridors of his home.

He felt content as he closed his eyes and sank further into his favorite arm chair .

Draco's mind wanderd. it took him to diffrent places and different times.some were pleasant, other not so much. but he had long ago learned how tolerate his thaughts and how to not let himself be consumed by them so that they do not disturb his reveries.

It was a few minutes before draco realized that the music had stopped and when he opened his eyes he saw that the house elves had turned on the lights in the gardens and that the fire was no longer the only source of light in the room.

Draco heard the knob being turned and before he knew it his mother was standing at his side in her royal blue robes tucking a loose strand of hair behind his ear .

"Draco darling. why are you sleeping in the drawing room? " she asks her as voice as gentil as her touch. "I wasn't sleeping mother " draco takes her hand in his and kisses it "I was only thinking ".

Narcissa hums knowingly and keeps silent for a moment. her hand still firmly held in draco's. then she steps in front of her son beckoning him to stand up.

"My sweet boy "she starts quietly "your father and I have put you through so much "she gazes at him with a sad smile ." And I want you to know that I'm so very sorry "

"We've been through this a million times mother you have nothing to be sorry for I.."

"Please son " Narcissa holds her hand up as to silence him and turn towards the fireplace.

Draco stops his words and  watches his mother's blond and black locks reflecting the lights noticing a few white hairs.

He wonders when had his mother started showing signs of age . His mother was a beautiful woman  and it made him a bit sad to see the white coloring tainting her so soon .

It must have been all the worrying she did for both him and his father.

"We have made mistakes my boy ,so many  that neither he nor I could ever take back "she continued not looking at him "but I will no longer inflect misery upon my only child "she shook her head as if the thaught had brought her pain "your father and I  want you to know that you no longer have to honor any promises we may have made on your behalf " she turns back to him and reaches for his hand .

"you are free to act as you see fit " she smiles at him again and draco finds his breath flattering at her statement.

"Are you saying ?.."Yes "she answers immediately. And draco can't help but hold her in his arms as she often held him in his younger years .

"Thank you "he says into his mothers shoulder and she squeezes him in response.

"Good night darling " Narcissa looks one last time at her son before leaving the room ."good night mother" draco muttered softly.

With his mother gone to bed for the night draco summons his quill and  a piece of fresh parchment and starts writing.

When he wakes up in the morning his owl Artimis is knocking on the window with a response attached to it's left claw,

draco opens the letter while feeding it a treat .

Dear draco

I hope when things settle down we could perhaps meet at diagon alley for tea or maybe even butterbeer.

Thank you.

Your friend
Astoria .

Draco smiles as he fold back the letter and starts getting ready for his day .

He will tell his mother at breakfast that there will be no need for her to floo anyone regarding flower arrangements. Hopefully his father won't be too upset and the three of them could finish their food peacefully. 

An : so I decided to write again.enjoy .

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