Disney DnD 17

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Hi everyone! I had a lot of fun with today's design, and it actually changed a lot from what I originally had in mind for the character of Boo from Monsters Inc, but I think it ended up much more interesting

Hi everyone! I had a lot of fun with today's design, and it actually changed a lot from what I originally had in mind for the character of Boo from Monsters Inc, but I think it ended up much more interesting

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Boo and her best friend, a werewolf named Sully, would agree to help the main characters on their quest only if they get help in return since Boo is in the wrong world and got sucked into the world of magic.

I originally had planned to make Boo an adult and to have Sully be an Owl Bear monster that she had tamed, but when it came down to it I really wanted Sully to be a human/humanistic character and her younger to keep the same characters while just changing the setting

I hope that you like it, have a nice day!

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