Day 16 & 17: Travel & Ice Cream (Febufluff) - MCU

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Summary: After the battle at the Leipzig airport Grace and Peter are left at the hotel to end up leaving tomorrow. They decide to fight through their tiredness and head out to explore the city.

When we went to Germany we were only supposed to be there, courtesy of Mr. Stark, for a day and a half. A fight and a little bit for us to recover before we left to head back to Queens. We weren't supposed to leave the hotel before we left to head back to the US, but two curious teenagers? No chance.

Peter had snuck us out of the hotel through the window. We didn't wear our suits, hoping for the love of everything that people wouldn't come to our rooms to check and see if Alpha Moon and Spider-Man were there. The view of Leipzig at night was beautiful, though the buildings weren't as tall as the ones in New York. We wandered through the streets admiring the differences between our home and here. I had gotten a few Euros when at home so I could hopefully pay for any food or gifts I wanted.

I loved seeing any cities at night. The way the golden lights just shine onto the surrounding buildings is something I enjoy. Lights and color have always been some cool things to play with. One good thing is that since we had come in costume, and he didn't know our identity, we were able to run around the town as normal people without having to disguise ourselves. Only a slight problem that I only speak a minority of German, and our accents are horribly recognizable from Queens. So, if we had to worry about them hunting us down by our accents... fake accent time. Hehehe...

Lazy conversation was held. We were tuckered out after all after the insane fight we had earlier. The fight we couldn't tell people about. We decided to get ice cream. It's sugar. It has energy. Therefore it is the perfect fit for two teens who just fought off super soldiers, a giant/tiny man, a person who is way too good with a bow, and a person who basically shoots red beams from her hands and rips things apart. I have to say, it was pretty darn sick to fight the fricken AVENGERS!!!

We found a nice looking place at a hotel with ice cream called Gelateria La Luna Leipzig. I found this nice cup with caramel and ice cream with what seemed to be graham crackers? I'm not sure but it tasted amazing. I probably would have gotten chocolate, but after spending way too much time in my half wolf form and having my wolf side help me heal I couldn't eat it without risking getting poison. Yep, unfortunately I do sometimes have the sucky thing of being poisoned by chocolate. That's only if I have spent enough time with either my half wolf form or my full wolf form. Unlike Peter who was completely allergic to peppermint, no peppermint candy, no peppermint toothpaste, none of that or else he has a severe allergic reaction. We have an EpiPen thing, but it doesn't work the best.

Peter had gotten chocolate and I longed to try a bit, but like he got used to not eating peppermint, I've gotten used to not eating chocolate after my wolf form. We had managed to get up onto a rooftop where no one could see and we ate our ice cream in peace. The night air was calming. I smiled as we talked.

"Hey, Pete?" I asked. He made a slight noise to incline that he heard. "How's your ice cream?" I asked. I had made the first question sound serious so following it up with a simple question like that was funny. I basically heard him smirk as he adjusted his position so he could see me.

"It's absolutely disgusting!" He exclaimed, faking seriousness, but after years of living with him I could tell that he was joking. I laughed, making sure he knew that I understood the fact that he was joking. "How's yours?" I took another bite of the ice cream and focused on identifying every bit I could so I could ramble to him.

"Well... I can taste the sweet sweet vanilla of the ice cream! The carmel is nice and warm and it tastes absolutely amazing as a complimentary flavor. The graham crackers are beautifully crunchy, though since the ice cream is melting and the caramel is there they are starting to get a little soggy." I made sure to add a slight pout to my voice at those last words. I don't particularly enjoy soggy things that are normally supposed to be crunchy.

His body shook as he let out laughter at me being my joking self. "I love you so much, Gracie." I let out a slight growl at that. I didn't particularly like the name, but if Peter called me it I could stand it. As long as it wasn't around Flash or anything. At least I can call him Peter wherever whenever. Well, all the time except when we are on patrol and I couldn't risk revealing his identity. Just another thing the superhero life entails.

I finished my ice cream and chucked it down into a trash bin in a small alleyway below. Peter followed suit and we started walking along the buildings, heading back to the hotel we had come from. I smiled at the beautiful views we got from the height we were at. He Spider-Manned back up the hotel and carefully opened the window into our room. I climbed in first since I couldn't stick to the walls, with Peter right behind me. I plopped down in the bed, carefully burrowing my face in the pillow so that if any of the Avengers came in, though they probably had better things to do, I didn't have to worry about my identity being revealed so quickly.

Peter had his ways of sticking so he didn't have to worry about someone ripping the pillow off. I heard Peter adjust himself and I felt his levels of awakeness quickly depleting. "G' Night Pete." I murmured, though it was incredibly muffled by the pillow.

"'Night Gracie." I sighed as I drifted off to a surprisingly peaceful sleep. 

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Word Count: 1024

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