flying above

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Music for this chapter-
Moon River ~ Frank Ocean


As I listen to this song, I'm laying in bed. I dream of a place, in this place, I'm in the sky flying. My face feeling tears flying away behind me as the wind pushed it off. My ears hear the howling of the wind as it brushes my hair out the way and waves in the back.  My arms opened wide on both side of my body. Hands feeling every wind that hits. I feel free, I feel opened, I feel happy. With my eyes, I finally open and look at the bright blue skies. I wont blink, because if i do, i might not ever see this again. I look till the sun sets behind dark mountains in the distance. My eyes stay open as long as it can, but my eyes are drying and my eyelids slowly become nothing to my eyes. I see the last part of the sun and I close my eyes. Nothing but the dark, and I feel hopeless. Crumbling inside I roll into a ball and cry again. I cry till I sleep and to be woken up to a bright light. Not as bright as the sun but bright enough to let me know it's there. I open, I see the moon. So bright I smile too. It waves and tells me to look behind me. I look back and see the earth. The planet that I should be on right now. I look back at the moon, the moon looks back at me. It leads out a river for me, I hop into the riverboat that has things inside and sail away. Off to see the world, such a crazy world you see. As I reach to earth, the river creates a path through the city. The moon up in space shines bright for me to see through the dark spaces. Looking around, I see a homeless person shriveled against a building. I look in the boat and I give him a blanket. He looks at me as if i was an angel. He smiles and closes his eyes. He sleeps in the cold shivering, in a place where he isn't protecting, all alone and scared. Yet he places a smile upon his face because I gave him a blanket. My heart is warm, it glows gold. As I say good night to the homeless person, the boat slowly drifts me off. I'm drifting around corners, alleys, buildings, parks, houses, and through trees. The boat approaches a house, I recognize the house, It's my house I whisper. I get out the boat and crawl through the window to my bedroom. I see my bed and on that bed I see myself sleeping. My cat Milo opens his eyes and looks at me. He doesn't seem scared but only looks at me and goes back to sleep. A smile creeps from me and I turn around. I thank the boat for taking me back home, to my bed, and to myself. I look up and thank the moon for the light and for showing me that a smile is as warm as the sun. I walk to my body and back into my body I go. For a moment, dark is there again. But another light appeared. I awake from my dream. The sun, its morning. Opening my eyes, I'm blinded by the sun rays. I sit up and stretch, opened my arms and got up from bed. I look out the window and tell myself, "Off to see the world".

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18, 2020 ⏰

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