My High School Life One Shot Contest

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"I am here to see Isabella Ace. They are expecting me." I told the guard at the gate as I handed over my ID for him to inspect.

He gave me a gruff nod and handed my ID back as he buzzed me through the enormous gate. I was used to wealth, being born into wealth myself, but this property took wealth to a whole other level. As I drove up the drive to the mansion I couldn't help but grovel at the carefully manicured garden complete with a polished angel fountain centerpiece. As I made my way inside I had to clamp my mouth shut in order to keep my jaw from literally dropping. I was in absolute awe!

In the midst of my marveling at this modern-chic mansion, I felt a strong pain in my stomach. It literally knocked the breath out of me. I looked down to see what I had walked into and caught myself gazing into an angelic face. She put the angel in garden to shame! I held her gray-eyed gaze and noted the red flush creeping on to her already rosy cheeks. I immediately felt jealous of her blush, for it got the opportunity to live in her flawless, porcelain skin and caress her cheeks whenever it wanted.

"Um hi..." She mumbled out, embarrassed. "Who are you?"

Who am I? I thought. The better question is who are you? I must have been a saint in my past life because I definitely have some good karma, right now. 

My eyes wandered down to see she was dressed simply in a white t-shirt and black sweatpants. Simple looked spectacular on her, but all of a sudden it clicked: this must be her!

"Alex," I replied, grinning from ear to ear pleased to discover that I was going to be in this angel's good graces for six months. I held out my hand for her to shake, because as much as I wanted to hug her, I couldn't risk coming on too strong. "You must be Isabella. Nice to meet you."

I felt electricity shoot up my arm as she took my hand in her own. She gave it a small squeeze and graced me with a heavenly smile. I swear this girl wants me to go into cardiac arrest. "Yeah, you too. How did you know my name?"

I felt my smile falter a bit because she was still curious as to why I was in her home, but I replaced it with a new one right away when I realized I would be the one who gets to tell her. "Did no one tell you?" She gave me a blank look and my smile grew. "I'm your personal trainer."

"Wait... what!" she shrieked.

I couldn't help it, I laughed! Her facial expression was so cute, yet funny. "Yes, I'm your personal trainer." I responded, sobering up a bit.

"Um, sorry I didn't think my personal trainer would be someone" She admitted looking down at the floor.

What does she mean someone like me? I didn't think I was that bad looking. Some girls went as far as calling me hot, and I work out! I take care of my body. Shouldn't she want someone like me to take care of her? I have all the qualifications necessary to be the one she can depend on. I am right for her!

"What do you mean?" I asked hoping my exasperation didn't leak into my voice.

She quirked her eyebrow. Great, she did hear helplessness! Hopefully, she'll let me down easy. I knew she was too good to be true, there's no way she actually needed a trainer. I mean, sure she was a little rough around the edges, but even Ray Charles could see that under her frumpy clothes she was a true beauty.

"Well, I imagined that my personal trainer would be big, middle aged, and bald, and you're none of those."

So, what? She was into older men? She continued looking at her feet, making me feel anxious. I had to see her face again. I wanted to look into those serene gray eyes and know for sure that she did not want me.

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