Chapter 3

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Emma's POV

I look at Regina and her eyes feel like she's fighting to tell me something. "Good then it's settled, you'll stay with me and Henry until you can find your own place"

"Thank you so much Regina you have no idea how much this means to me!"

I say in an excited tone. The fact that she actually said yes to it was surprising but thrilling at the same time, yet I still couldn't figure out why she had jumped back to calling me 'Miss Swan'

"Of course Miss Swan, if you'd like I can have some movers go to Snow's apartment and have them grab your thing?

"I would love that, but I have to talk to Mary-Margret first, let me go talk to her and I will text you and let you know when to have them grab my things." She has a look, almost like a hopeful one,

"As you wish Miss Swan"

I head for the exit before remembering my talk with Tink. I stop just in front of the door and look over my shoulder to Regina. I see her taking a seat at her desk, putting on her reading glasses as she picks up some documents and I can't help but take in her beautiful tear stained face. It makes me angry at who ever hurt her or made her feel so unloved, I just wish I could tell her how i feel about her

"Also don't be mad at tink, she tried to stop me from coming in but i made it past her anyways" I give her a shy smile and make my way out the office and head down towards tink was.

"Don't worry, I told Regina not to get onto ya about me barging in, you have a nice day Tink!"

"Oh thank you so much Emma, you have a nice day too!" she says with a big smile

I walk outside into the cold December air and I send a text to Mary-Margret and David telling them to meet me at granny's diner, I don't really know how this is gonna go. I just hope that they don't freak out too much. I decided that I'm going to walk instead of taking my car so I have some more time to think about what exactly I'm going to say to them. I want to come out to them but I just got this family back and I don't want to lose it again. After so many years of feeling alone I now have a home. Which is something I've never had before and I really like that. I feel like I finally belong somewhere, here, with Henry and my parents and even with regina. All of these thoughts are going through my head as I walk into the diner, I look around this small diner seeing that they haven't arrived yet so i take this time to order myself a hot cocoa, I take a seat at one of the booths in the front so that way they can see me when they walk in. I take a sip of my hot coco, letting the drink warm me up from the coldness outside. As I'm sitting my mind starts to drift off to Regina and how beautiful she was and how all I wanted was for her to be happy, I know I sound crazy. I mean she's supposed to be the villain in this story right? Well to me she isn't she's just a lost soul who needs love to help her find her way back. My thoughts are interrupted by the bell chiming signaling that someone came in. I look up and see mary-margret and David standing at the door hand in hand. I feel nervous, my hands are sweaty and I feel like I might puke because I don't know what they are gonna say about all of this, which should I talk about first? The fact that im gay or the fact that im gonna be moving in with regina in a few hours. I stand up and give them both a hug and then we sit down, my mind is racing trying to figure out what to say to them. How do you even start a conversation like this one? I feel like my heart is beating out of my chest, my thoughts are interrupted as I hear someone speaking to me.

"Emma, is everything okay? Your text sounded urgent." Mary-Margret said with a worried look on her face

"Um y-yeah everythings fine, I just have to tell y'all something, well two somethings i guess." I cannot believe i just stuttered way to make it sound like I was scared to tell them something

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2020 ⏰

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