The First Of Many

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     "Well if it didn't know we were here before, it does now

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"Well if it didn't know we were here before, it does now." Gamakichi remarked. "You think? Its looking right at us!" I mention sarcasticaly. "We can't take this down, we aren't strong enough." I say as I take a few steps back in fear. "Summon Pops!" Said Gamakichi. "What! You know how that ended up last time! I almost lost my life because he refused to listen to a kid. Besides, I need a huge amount of chakra if I want to summon him." I remarked. "I thought your contract was just with Gamakichi?" Robin questioned. "My contract is with their family, Gamakichi is my main summon." I explained. "Naruto! Summon pops unless you want to die!" Gamakichi ordered. "Argh! Fine! Robin get closer!" I yell hesitantly. She listens and steps closer to me."HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGHHHHHH!" I yell as I start to build up chakra!

     "I hope this is enough!" I yell as I bite my thumb so that I start bleeding

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"I hope this is enough!" I yell as I bite my thumb so that I start bleeding. "Why did you do that!?" Robin asked. "I signed the contract in my blood. So I have to use my blood to summon."I yell as I start to weave handsigns. The beast that was in front of us started to make a move. It started to swing its arm to take us out. "Naruto hurry!" Robin pleaded as the beasts arm inched closer and closer, snaping full grown redwood trees in half and digging up the ground as it traveled. It was about 7 feet away from us when I yelled "Summoning Jutsu!" I slam my bleeding hand onto the ground.

 It was about 7 feet away from us when I yelled "Summoning Jutsu!" I slam my bleeding hand onto the ground

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A huge puff of smoke appears, and we cant see a thing. "I hope that was enough.." I whisper as a sweat bead runs down my face. "I cant see anything. Robin comments. As we wait for the smoke to clear we hear the beast growl, then it lets out another bone chilling roar which clears the smoke reavealing us on top of chief toads head. "Huh, what the hell am I doing here!" Gamabunta questioned. He started to look around to see where he was at, his eyes then landed on the danger beast in front of us. "What the hell?! Damn it Naruto you little turd where are you!" He growled. "I'm on your head boss." I replyed hesitantly. "You little.... I told you not to summon me! I was in the middle of a meal!" He boomed. "Sorry boss, it's just that I can't beat that thing." I pleaded. "How is that my pro-" He gets cut off by the beasts hand smacking him across his face. The shock of the impact almost sent me flying off of his head, but I used chakra to maintain my feet on his head. I turned to see if Robin was okay, only to see she had been shaken off. I instinctivley made multiple clones of myself that grabbed eachother making a long rope. "Robin!" I yelled as the clone rope reached for her. I managed to catch her before she fell too far. Slowly I pulled my clones up. "That was close." I say with a smile. "Thank you." Robin replied with a blush.

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