Unspoken Questions

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You sit with your childhood best friend, Sammy, who you haven't spoken to in 7 years.

Sammy was about 5 years older than you but sometimes the maturity level was glaringly different between you and tonight would make that clear.

'Dude you just need to forget her already. If she doesn't see your value then that her loss. When I saw her on Facebook she seemed like the type of girl that would've bullied me in school.' you say to him as he picks up yet another slice of pizza out of the box on the coffee table.

"I wish it was that easy. I truly loved her... you know how hard it is to get over someone you're madly in love with' Sammy mumbled as he devoured his 4th slice of pepperoni pizza.

his comment made you look down at your lap and start fiddling with the charm bracelet on your arm. Sammy had given you that charm bracelet when he was leaving for college and you've worn it every day since.

after a few moments, Sammy takes notice of your abnormal behavior

"Are you alright?' he asks immediately putting his long arm around your shoulders and scooting closer on the couch in an attempt to comfort you.

'I wouldn't know what real love feels like...' you admit sadly

'Really? I'm surprised.' he replies looking genuinely shocked at your confession

You told him half of the truth. you loved a man but if you admitted that it could be the end of your friendship with Sam and you just couldn't risk it.

"come on. ill set you up is there anyone you like right now?"

"Not really, " you say while doing everything to avoid eye contact and attempting the will the redness in your face to stop

"When you grow up-"

"Why does everybody make that assumption?'

Sam removed his arm and backed away at your outburst.

'Woah Woah Woah. Jeez sorry"

"You are only 5 years older Sam, don't you talk down to me! and you know what I do like somebody. I lied before."

Silence filled the basement room in my parents' house. The photos on the wall specifically the ones of me and Sammy now all seemed to be looking at me

"I remember my junior year of college before I met Stacy I liked another girl. Part of me still does, but we could never be together. I doubt she likes me that way"

"why don't you give it a shot now that Stacy is off with her new boy toy"

"Alright. Close your eyes for a sec."

Why?" I pondered. this was slightly weird for him

"i have to grab your birthday gift so no peeking."

I trusted him so I closed my eyes.

I heard the creaking of the steps as he came back down a minute or two later. Felt him sit on the sofa next to me.

Suddenly I felt two hands on my cheeks, fingers slightly around the back of my neck. I stayed still until eventually, I felt a pair of lips meet my own.

I kissed back. This is my chance I have to take it and if he regrets it later I'll get to kiss the man I'm in love with at least once.

After a few moments he pulled back and we both opened our eyes

"You said to take a chance..." Sammy says, his voice drifting off

I didn't even answer the unspoken question between us, I decided to show him how I feel. I wove my hands into his long brown locks and pulled his face back to mine, kissing him once again. This time he pulled me into his lap and held my hips.

in between kisses I whispered "I'm in love with you, Sammy"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2020 ⏰

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