Yereni Ampora

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Name: Yereni Ampora.

Title: Thief of Hope 

Blood Color: Royal Violet

Age: 20 human years

TrollTag: aquaticCarnage (AC)

Typing Style: changes "w" to "v". like this; "Yeah vhatever i guess.."

Sign Representation: A trident

Personality: humorous, talk-active, kind; doesn't mean he'd let people give him shit, and flirtatious, is a bit of a troublemaker.

Likings: creativity, tranquility, music, instruments, sewing.

Dislikings: bullies, anxiety, boredom, land dwellers (due to how they contaminate the ocean), loud places.

Theme Song: Drunken Sailor by Irish rovers


Pale/Red: -CronusAmpora__ [Young!Cronus] - "love him.. also care for him.. this is so confusin."

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