The King

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"Mr. Rogers?" I slowly come to as my eyes open. Sitting across from me in the limo is the big man himself. I nod at Fury, and sit up straight. "So with everything that has happened, I figure I should give you intel on your next mission." He says. "I have a mission?" I ask, confusion taking over my face. Shield had informed me that I had six months off after New York, and I could carry out small Intel missions. "Steve, there's a lot of people in the government who want the Superhero Registration passed. You'll take this assignment in Argentina for a while and then when you return, the bill will be long forgo-" I interrupt him. "And how do you plan to do that? I'm your best chance at figuring out how to do that. I'm more useful at home." Fury keeps a straight face as he answers. "Tony has a way to get rid of it for good,but if anyone finds you they will kill you. He can handle it. Just go to Argentina, go undercover, and when your mission is finished you can return home. Oh, and one more thing." Fury states firmly." Nikki Reddington is off limits. We have been monitoring you, and you cannot have anything to do with her. Leave her alone, or we will be forced to step in."
~~~~Nikki's POV~~~~
Because my car is broken, I find myself at Sal's auto shop reading a magazine. That is, until Tony walks in.
"Are you stalking me?" I say, laughing.
"No." His face stays serious, which is extremely surprising. If Tony is ever serious, you need to run. Fast.
"What's wrong?"
"Who is your father?"
"Excuse me?" I gasp in surprise.
"I need to know. Who is your father?"
"I'm not sure, he left when I was born. I guess he wasn't ready to be a father." I look down at the ground, it wasn't a fun thing to talk about. Tony's facial expression changed extremely quickly and he walked out of the auto shop, leaving me shocked. What had just happened?
"M'am, your car is ready." I pay for the car, and leave the auto shop discouraged. I had lost control of my own life. I walk out to my car, but before I can reach my car a bag is thrown over my head. "The King requests your presence." I hear in my ear, and then a loud thump as my body is thrown against something hard. "Help!" I scream at the top of my lungs, but it's no use. The next thing I know, I am pulled from the vehicle and carried bridal style before being placed in a chair. The bag is ripped off my head, but my hands are tied to the chair. I hear a door shut, and the person is gone before I can catch a glimpse of their face. A few choice words run through my head, but I settle on keeping quiet because the shock that is setting in. I study the room. There is a oak table, and a single lightbulb hanging from the ceiling. The room is completely empty otherwise. A small door in the corner catches my eye. I pull on the rope, and surprising it isn't tight. Suddenly the small door opens, and a man walks in. He has brown hair, and piercing green eyes. He begins to speak before I can. "Hello Nikki, my name is Alexander King, and I am your father."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2014 ⏰

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