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I was thrown on the floor with Walter yelling at me. I started crying and then I rolled up in a ball. I couldn't even hear what Walter was saying all I could think about was how bad my head hurt. All of a sudden I felt him grab my arm and a sharp pain. I felt something wet hit my leg and I looked up. It was blood. He had cut me. It hurt so bad. 

Rebecca's flash back 


She said,"You stay here while I go make sure that Lane is ready." "Ok," I sat and waited about 10 minute before I heard the scream. It had to be Brianna's. I opened the door and ran down the stairs. Then I was hauled back to the room by Walter. He said "Sunny told you to stay in here, did she not." "Yes but I heard a scream come from downstairs," I said. "You shouldn't have left your room unless we call for you, you stay where we told you to be," he said. "Ok" I said. I wondered what would happen to me. Walter told me "I will have Lane teach you a lesson when the wedding is over," "What does that mean" I asked. "Obviously he also hasn't told you about everything either," he said.

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